Figures and data

Measures of submission rate, acceptance rate, and rejection rate with tests of statistical significance. Logistic regression was used for whether they submitted to an elite journal and linear regression for number of submissions, acceptance rate and desk rejection rate. All odds ratio and coefficient values are based on women over men. MS: Medical Sciences; NSE: Natural Sciences and Engineering; S.S.: Social Sciences. ** indicates p<0.01, * indicates p<0.05

Measures of journal consideration, submission rate, and desk rejection rate for most cited papers with odds ratios (women/men). MS: Medical Sciences; NSE: Natural Sciences and Engineering; S.S.: Social Sciences. SNP: Science, Nature, PNAS.

Odds ratio (women/men) and mean value for research quality comparison with peers. MS: Medical Sciences; NSE: Natural Sciences and Engineering; S.S.: Social Sciences. *Indicates p<0.05

Reasons for not submitting to top journals, overall and most cited paper, with odds ratios (women/men). MS: Medical Sciences; NSE: Natural Sciences and Engineering; S.S.: Social Sciences. ** indicates p<0.01, * indicates p<0.05