A. Schematic for the orexin promoter GCaMP recording in the LH while stimulating dopamine terminals in the LH. B. Orexin promoter GCaMP signals of a representative mouse. Recordings were performed while mice were freely moving (top) and anesthetized with isoflurane (bottom). Red bars indicate the stimulation. (20Hz, 100 pulses, 10 ms duration). C. Orexin promoter GCaMP signals around the stimulation of dopamine terminals in the LH while animals were freely moving (left) and anesthetized (right). D. AUC at 0 to 20 seconds was not significantly different between freely moving and anesthetized conditions. Paired t test, t=1.923 df=2.P= 0.1944. E. In freely moving condition, recordings were performed after mice received the intraperitoneal injection of vehicle (left), SCH 23390 (1mg/kg, middle), and raclopride (1mg/kg, right). F. Area under the curve (AUC) at 0-5 seconds. Black line indicates the mean for each condition and grey lines show individual mice. The administration of raclopride decreased the AUC significantly while SCH 23390 did not change the AUC. One-way analysis of variance; F (3, 6) = 5.305, P=0.04. Tekey’s multiple comparison test. vehicle vs. SCH 23390; P= 0.8145. vehicle vs. raclopride; P= 0.0476.