Population activities of PVHCRH neurons in response to sevoflurane GA.
A. Diagram of the virus injection, EEG/EMG electrode, and optic fiber implantation sites of CRH-Cre mice. B. jGCaMP7b/DAPI immunofluorescence in CRH neurons and track of the optic fiber implanted above the PVH; scale bar, 200 μm. Viral expression of jGCaMP7b and placement of the fiber-optic probe above the PVH. C. Schematic of the recording configuration. D-E. Time courses of Ca2+ signals following sevoflurane anesthesia D and quantification of Ca2+ signal changes before, during, and after (post 1 and post 2 periods) sevoflurane inhalation (E, n = 4, F (3, 12) = 61.49, p < 0.001, one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post-hoc test; pre vs. during, pre vs. post 1, during vs. post 2, post 1 vs. post 2, p**< 0.001; pre vs. prolonged, p = 0.0894; during vs. post, p = 0.2012). Freq, frequency; LORR, loss of right reflexing; RORR, recovery of right reflexing; Sevo, sevoflurane. F. Quantification of the number of c-fos+ neurons in the PVH before, during and after (post 1 and post 2 periods) sevoflurane inhalation (n = 4, F (3, 12) = 28.15, p < 0.001, one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post-hoc test; pre vs. during, p = 0.0089; pre vs. post, p = 0.0339; pre vs. post 2, p = 0.0050; during vs. post, p = 0.8688; during vs. post 2, post 1 vs. post 2, p** < 0.001). G. Time percentage of self-grooming before, during, and after (post 1 and post 2 periods) sevoflurane inhalation (n = 4, F (3, 12) = 76.87, p < 0.001, one-way repeated measures ANOVA with Tukey’s post-hoc test; pre vs. during, pre vs. post 1, p = 0.0005; pre vs. post 2 during vs. post 2, post 1 vs. post 2, p** <0.0001; during vs. post 1, p > 0.9999).