(A) (Top) The components of the bimolecular construct of LINE-l-core during cleavage, substrate strand (54–71) and enzyme strand (83–99). (Bottom) The components of the bimolecular construct of OR4K15-core during cleavage, the enzyme strand (70–84) and substrate strand (101–116). The red arrowhead indicates the cleavage site. (B) PAGE-based cleavage assays of the bimolecular construct with the all-RNA substrate and a substrate analog (dC) wherein a 2’-deoxycytosine is substituted for the cytosine ribonucleotide at position 10 or 40 of the substrate RNA. The substrate RNA was incubated with the enzyme RNA at 37°C for lh in the presence (+) or absence (-) of ImM MgCl2. The single-channel fluorescent images (left) were generated by using UV excitation (302 nm) and 590/110 nm emission on the ChemiDoc MP imaging system. The multi-channel fluorescent images (right) are overlays of two scans. They were generated from the ChemiDoc MP imaging system (Bio-Rad), Fluorescein (excitation: Epi-Blue 460–490 nm, emission: 532/28) for FAM, Cy3 (excitation: Epi-Green 520–545 nm, emission: 602/50) for TAMRA. (C) Cleavage assays in the absence (-) or presence of cobalt hexammine chloride [Co(NH3)6Cl3] or MgCl2 at 5mM for lh. (D) Cleavage assays at 37°C for Ih, in the absence (-) or presence (+) of various metal ions. Divalent metal ions (left) were used at a final concentration of ImM, and monovalent metal ions (right) were used at a final concentration of IM.