DLC1 dynamics in an optoLARG stimulated FA that undergoes reinforcement followed by disassembly, as well as FA behavior in absence of optoLARG stimulus
Panels A-C document FAs that when subjected to a nearby pulse of optogenetic Rho-mediated contractility display a behavior of FA reinforcement followed by disassembly. Optogenetic stimulation is applied on select ROIs placed over FAs with 50 ms light pulses per frame (every 15 seconds) for a duration of 8 minutes.
Panels D-F document the dynamics of DLC1 in a ROI not stimulated with light in the same cell as in shown in Figure 6A-C.
A. Color-coded fluorescence micrographs of REF52 fibroblast expressing miRFP-paxillin (top) and mCherry-DLC1 (bottom) and the optoLARG construct (not shown). The black boxes indicate the area used for close up images in (B). The white boxes indicate the ROI for optogenetic illumination.
B. Closeups of the ROIs (left panel) and kymographs (right panel) of selected FAs denoted by the arrowheads. The pink and green arrowheads indicate the FAs of interest in (B). The black arrowhead indicates the FA of interest in (C). The black dotted lines were used for the kymograph. In the kymograph, the grey box indicates the time at which optogenetic stimulation has been applied.
C. Closeups time series of paxillin and DLC1 signals at a single FA denoted by the respective arrowheads. Scale bars = 10 µm.
D. Color-coded fluorescence micrographs of REF52 fibroblast expressing miRFP-paxillin (top) and mCherry-DLC1 (bottom) and the optoLARG construct (not shown). The black boxes indicate the area used for close up images in (B,E). The white boxes indicate the ROI for optogenetic illumination.
E. Closeups of the ROIs (left panel) and kymographs (right panel) of selected FAs denoted by the arrowheads. The pink and green arrowheads indicate the FAs of interest in (B). The black arrowhead indicates the FA of interest in (D). The black dotted lines were used for the kymograph. In the kymograph, the grey box indicates the time at which optogenetic stimulation has been applied.
F. Closeups time series of paxillin and DLC1 signals at a single FA denoted by the respective arrowheads.