Metabolic profiles of male cKO mice lacking Rai1 expression in the Bdnf-producing cells
(A) Male cKO mice gained significantly more weight than Ctrl mice beginning at 15 weeks of age.
(B) Male BdnfCre/+ and BdnfCre/+; Rai1fl/+ mice had similar body weights.
(C) Echo-MRI analysis showed that 26-week-old male cKO mice had a significantly increased body weight due to increased fat but not lean mass. **p<0.01, ****p<0.0001, student’s t-test.
(D) Fat disposition analysis showing the weight of brown adipocytes (BAT), subcutaneous inguinal (, and epididymal white adipose tissues (eWAT). ns indicates not significantly different, *p<0.05, **p<0.01, student’s t-test.
(E) Male cKO mice showed eWAT cell hypertrophy. Top: Representative images of the eWAT tissues in Ctrl and cKO mice. Scale bar = 500µm. Bottom: Frequency distribution of cellular sizes.
(F-I) Blood parameter analysis showing that male cKO mice showed significantly increased leptin levels (F) without alterations in TG (G), HDL (H), LDL+VLDL (I). *p< 0.05, student’s t-test.
(J) No differences were found in respiratory exchange rate in male Ctrl and cKO mice.
(K) Male cKO mice showed a significantly increased food intake compared to Ctrl littermates. *p< 0.05, student’s t-test.
(L) Male cKO mice showed increased energy expenditure at the dark phase.
(M) Male Ctrl and cKO mice showed similar locomotor activities.
(N-P) Glucose tolerance test shows that cKO male mice are glycemic 45 minutes post intraperitoneal glucose administration (N), increased AUC (O), despite significantly higher insulin levels before and 30 minutes after glucose administration (P), suggesting potential insulin insensitivity.
(O) Insulin tolerance test showing that male cKO mice showed significantly higher blood glucose levels 60 minutes after intraperitoneal insulin administration. **p<0.01, student’s t-test.
Data are shown as mean±SEM. Statistics for A-B, E, J, L-N, P-Q: ns indicates not significantly different, *p<0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p<0.001, ****p < 0.0001, one- or two-way ANOVA with Šidák’s multiple comparisons test.