Mice track and stay immobile on hidden warm spots in the ThermoMaze.
A) Five sub-sessions constituted a daily recording session: (1) rest epoch in the home cage, (2) pre-cooling exploration epoch (Pre), (3) Cooling, (4) post-cooling exploration epoch (Post) and (5) another rest in the home cage. B) Schematic of temperature landscape changes when the animal is in the ThermoMaze (top) and example animal trajectory (below). During Cooling, one Peltier element always provided a warm spot for the animal (four Peltier elements in the 4 corners were used in this experiment). Each Peltier element was turned on for 5 minutes in a sequential order (1-2-3-4) and the sequence was repeated four times. C) Session-averaged duration of immobility (speed ≤ 2.5 cm/s) that the animal spent at each location in the ThermoMaze; Color code: temporal duration of immobility (s); white lines divide the individual Peltier elements; n = 17 session in 7 mice). D) Cumulative distribution of animal speed in the ThermoMaze during three sub-sessions from 7 mice). Median, Kruskal–Wallis test: H = 139304.10, d.f. = 2, p < 0.001. E) Animal’s distance from the previously heated Peltier element site. F) Speed of the animal centered around warm spot transitions. G) Animal’s distance from the target warm spot as a function of time (red curve: median; time 0 = onset of heating). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. In all panels, box chart displays the median, the lower and upper quartiles. (see Supplementary Table 2 for exact p values and multiple comparisons).