Distinct functional features of QFLTg cells in the spleen and gut.
(a, c) Proliferation of splenic (a) or siIEL (c) QFLTg or OT-1 cells from QFLTg or OT-1 mice in response to IL15 (left) or a combination of IL7 and IL18 (right) stimulation. Cells were tracked using Cell Tracing Violate (CTV). Numbers in plots indicate average percentages of proliferated QFLTg cells. (b) Percentages of proliferated splenic QFLTg or OT-1 cells as detected in a. ****P<0.0001 **P=0.0052 (d) Percentages of proliferated siIEL QFLTg or OT-1 as detected in c. ***P=0.0009 *P=0.0101 (e) Generation of QFLTg_WT or OT-1_WT partial hematopoietic chimera mice. 2×106 of the bone marrow (BM) cells from GFP+QFLTg or GFP+OT-1 mice were transferred into WT neonates at 3∼5 days of age. The chimera mice were analyzed at 8∼10 weeks of age. (f) Gating strategy for the QFLTg cells originated from donor bone marrow cells in QFLTg_WT chimera mice. Plots representing donor-derived QFLTg population in the spleen being gated as GFP+CD45+CD19-TCRβ+CD4-Vα3.2+ cells. (g, i) Flow cytometry measurement of IFN-ɣ production by QFLTg or OT-1 cells isolated from the spleen (g) or siIEL compartment (i) of naïve chimera mice stimulated with or without 2µM FL9 or SL8 peptide respectively for 4.5h. Numbers in plots indicate average percentages of IFN-ɣ+ cells. (h) Percentages of IFN-ɣ+ cells detected as in g. ****P<0.0001 ***P=0.0001 (j) Percentages of IFN-ɣ+ cells detected as in i. ***P=0.0004 *P=0.0247 Representative data are shown in flow plots (a, c, f, g, i) and the number of replicates is specified in the bar graphs (b, d, h, j). Each symbol represents data collected from the indicated tissue isolated from an individual mouse. P values were calculated with Student’s t test. ‘ns’ indicates the comparison was not significant.