Figures and data
Defining neuron types in A) Properties of a v1.0 neuron type. A1) Morphology of a Dentate Gyrus (i)2232 Basket cell (NeuroMorpho.Org cell NMO_34300: Hosp et al., 2014) with axons (red) in stratum granulosum (SG) and dendrites (blue) in all four layers. A2) Schematic interpretation of the morphological tracing, where the circle represents the location of the soma in SG, the red triangle the location of the axons in SG, and the blue rectangles the locations of the dendrites in all four layers. A3) representation of the morphology, where a blue square with a vertical line (|) indicates dendritic presence in the outer two-thirds of the stratum moleculare (SMo) and the inner one-third of the stratum moleculare (SMi) and the hilus (H), a purple square with a cross (+) indicates both axonal and dendritic presence in SG, and a black dot (•) indicates the soma location in SG. A4) numerical coding of the reconstructed neuron, where 2 indicates the presence of dendrites (in SMo, SMi, and H); and 3 indicates the presence of both axons and dendrites (in SG). A5) Biomarker expressions, where a green triangle indicates positive expression for parvalbumin (PV), and blue triangles indicate negative expression for cholecystokinin (CCK) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP). A6) Firing pattern phenotype (non-adapting spiking (NASP); adapted from Figure 1B1 in Savanthrapadian et al., 2014). A7) Membrane biophysics values (from Figure 3C and Table 1 in Lübke et al., 1998) recorded at 35-37 °C. B) Properties for a v2.0 neuron type. B1) Morphology of a DG (i)2210 Basket GRALDEN (NeuroMorpho.Org cell NMO_146159: Vaden et al., 2020) with red axons in SG and blue dendrites in SMo and Smi. B2) Schematic interpretation of the reconstruction (same symbols as in A2). B3-4) representation and numerical coding of the morphology (same symbols as in A3-4). B5) Biomarker expression. B6) Firing pattern phenotype (silence preceded by transient stuttering (TSTUT.SLN); adapted from Figure S4 in Markwardt et al., 2011). B7) Membrane biophysics values recorded at room temperature (from Figure 4D in Vaden et al., 2020), and at 22 °C (from Figure S4 in Markwardt et al., 2011); emboldened values were extracted from the firing pattern trace in B6. Membrane biophysics abbreviations: Vrest: resting membrane potential; Vthresh: firing threshold potential; APampl: action potential amplitude; APwidth: action potential width; Rin: input resistance; τm: membrane time constant; Max FR: maximum firing rate; fAHP: fast after-hyperpolarizing potential; sAHP: slow after-hyperpolarizing potential; Sag ratio: ratio of the steady-state membrane potential to the minimum membrane potential.
Added knowledge and functioning in releases v1.1-12
New neuron types added to v2.0. A) Morphology encodings of the 56 new neuron types that extend the 124 types in v1.12. (Left) Increase in number of neuron types for each subregion. For the neuron type names, excitatory types (e) are in black font and inhibitory types (i) are in gray font. The 3-6 digit numbers encode the patterns of axons and dendrites in the layers of the home subregion of the neuron type: 0 = no axons or dendrites, 1 = only axons, 2 = only dendrites, 3 = both axons and dendrites. A “p” indicates that the neuron types projects across into other subregions. B) Biomarker expressions of the neuron types. C) Membrane biophysics values for the neuron types. Morphology abbreviations: DG: dentate gyrus; SMo: outer two-thirds of stratum moleculare; SMi: inner one-third of stratum moleculare; SG: stratum granulosum; H: hilus; SLM: stratum lacunosum-moleculare; SR: stratum radiatum; SL: stratum lucidum; SP: stratum pyramidale; SO: stratum oriens; Sub: subiculum; PL: polymorphic layer; EC: entorhinal cortex. Marker abbreviations: CB: calbindin; CR: calretinin; PV: parvalbumin; 5HT-3: serotonin receptor 3; CB1: cannabinoid receptor type 1; GABAa α1: GABA-a alpha 1 subunit; mGluR1a: metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 alpha; Mus2R: muscarinic type 2 receptor; vGluT3: vesicular glutamate transporter 3; CCK: cholecystokinin; ENK: enkephalin; NPY: neuropeptide Y; SOM: somatostatin; VIP: vasoactive intestinal polypeptide; nNOS: neuronal nitric oxide synthase; RLN: reelin. Membrane biophysics abbreviations: see Figure 1.
Extensions to the neuronal properties of v1.x. A1) Additions to the axonal projections (circled in green) for two v1.0 neuron types. A2) Evidence for the axonal extensions in strata oriens, pyramidale, and radiatum from A1 are circled in green (adapted from Figure 2b in Deller et al., 1996). Scale bar: 75 μm. B1) Biomarker expressions for the two CA1 Pyramidal sub-types added in v1.9 (Sanchez-Aguilera et al., 2021). B2) Membrane biophysics values for the two sub-types. B3) CA2 projects preferentially to the deep sublayer of CA1 (Kohara et al., 2014). More perisomatic parvalbumin-positive (PV+) GABAergic boutons are found at CA1 Deep Pyramidal cells (Valero et al., 2015). CA1 Superficial Pyramidal cells form more frequent connections to PV+ CA1 Basket cells, and PV+ CA1 Basket cells form significantly more perisomatic axon terminals on CA1 Deep Pyramidal cells (Lee et al., 2014). C1) Additions to the firing pattern phenotypes of v1.0 neuron types. C2a) Example of adapting spiking (ASP.) in a CA1 Oriens-Bistratified cell (adapted from Figure 4B in Craig and McBain, 2015). C2b) Example of non-adapting spiking (NASP) in a CA3 Basket CCK+ cell (adapted from Figure 3A in Szabadics and Soltesz, 2009). C2c) Example of transient stuttering (TSTUT.) in a CA1 Radiatum Giant cell (adapted from Figure 2Bb in Kirson and Yaari, 2000). C2d) Example of transient stuttering followed by persistent stuttering (TSTUT.PSTUT) in a CA1 Interneuron Specific O-targeting QuadD (adapted from Figure 2D in Chamberland et al., 2010). C2e) Example of silence preceded by transient stuttering (TSTUT.SLN) in a DG MOLAX cell (adapted from Figure S2c in Lee et al., 2016). D) Synaptic probabilities for projecting connections and the corresponding number of contacts in brackets between the two CA3 Pyramidal neuron types and a selection of CA1 neuron types. Morphology abbreviations: see Figure 2. Marker abbreviations: CB: calbindin; Astn2: astrotactin 2; Dcn: decorin; Gpc3: glypican 3; Grp: gastrin releasing peptide; Htr2c: 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2c; Ndst4: N-deacetylase and N-sulfotransferase 4; Nov: nephroblastoma overexpressed; Nr3c2: nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group C member 2; Nr4a1: nuclear receptor subfamily 4 group A member 1; Prss12: serine protease 12; Prss23: serine protease 23; Wfs1: wolframin ER transmembrane glycoprotein. Membrane biophysics abbreviations: see Figure 1.
Probabilities of connection and number of contacts per connected pair from DG Granule cell to mossy fibers targets in CA3
Trends in data, knowledge, citations, and usage since v1.0. A) Increase in pieces of knowledge (blue) and evidence (red) with version number. B) Number of citations, in which the publication is simply referenced (blue and gray portions), and usage cases, in which the citing work makes use of the information contained within the work (orange and yellow portions), by year.
Examples of independent studies utilizing unique neuronal properties from v1.0
Transitional knowledge enabling to support spiking neural network simulations. Center: General diagram of the hippocampal formation and the number of cell types in Hippocampome v1.0. A) Neuron type census. Top: General pipeline for obtaining cell counts for specific collections of neurons from the peer reviewed literature. Left: Neuron count proportions for the different subregions of the hippocampal formation. Insert: Normalized neuron counts for the inhibitory vs. excitatory balance by subregion. Right: Neuron counts for five identified CA2 neuron types (green schematic: excitatory, red schematic: inhibitory). B) Neuron dynamics. Top: General pipeline for obtaining Izhikevich models to reproduce the firing pattern phenotypes from peer reviewed data. Right: Simulated firing pattern from a Sub CA1-Projecting Pyramidal cell in response to a 250-pA current injection pulse lasting 1 s. Izhikevich model parameters are shown in bold and the membrane biophysics properties are shown in regular font. C) Synaptic probabilities. Left: General pipeline for obtaining the connection probabilities, number of contacts, and dendritic and axonal path lengths from 2D reconstructions. Middle: Example of a connectivity diagram of a DG Granule cell and two interneurons across the different parcels of DG. Probabilities of connection (mean ± SD) are shown in black, numbers of contacts in gray, dendritic path lengths in blue, and axonal lengths in red. Right top: Total number of connections within DG by connection type. Right bottom: Breakdown of the total number of connections by parcel and connection type. D) Synaptic physiology. Left: General pipeline for obtaining normalized synaptic parameters from paired recordings with a TPM model. Right top: Digitized synaptic data between two EC LII-III Pyramidal-Tripolar cells. Experimental data are shown in blue, initiation synaptic points in pink, model data in orange, and corrected data in green. Right bottom: Simulated modeling conditions, electrophysiological parameters, and TPM parameters. Abbreviations by panel: A) PC: Pyramidal cell; BC: Basket cell; WA BC: Wide-Arbor Basket cell; BiC: Bistratified cell; Exc: excitatory; Inh: inhibitory. B) Vr: resting membrane potential; Vt: firing threshold potential; Vpeak: spike cutoff potential; Vmin: post-spike reset potential. C) E-E: excitatory-excitatory; E-I: excitatory-inhibitory; I-I: inhibitory-inhibitory; I-E: inhibitory-excitatory. D) Vh: holding potential; τr: recovery time constant; τf: facilitation time constant; g: conductance; τd: deactivation time constant; U: utilization ratio.
![]( data provenance. A) The internal web of constituent neuron-type properties (black thin arrows) that ultimately contribute to the instantiation of spiking neural simulations (orange thick arrows). Properties described qualitatively, such as morphological presence of axons in a layer or molecular biomarker expressions, are in black font. Properties described by quantitative values, such as membrane biophysics and neurite lengths, are in red font. Properties with v2.0 updated information, such as connectivity and firing pattern phenotypes, are depicted by blue hexagons, and v1.x information, such as Izhikevich modeling parameter values and neuron-type census values, is visualized by black circles. B) External resources that contribute data to and receive data from (the ModelDB logo has been modified from the original).
CARLsim simulation parameters selection and file generation interface. A) The user chooses which subset of the available neuron types to include in the generated downloadable parameter file. Neuron types can be selected (check boxes and gray highlights) either individually or by groupings, such as by subregion and/or by importance rank. B) Representative user selection. C) Downloadable neuron-level parameters. D) Downloadable connection-level parameters.
Hierarchy of neuronal connectivity in A) Subregional connectivity, where the number of connections between subregions is shown, and the node size is proportional to the number of neuron types in each subregion. B) The reciprocal connectivity between DG and CA3 neuron types consists of 147 connections. The node size is proportional to the census size for each neuron type. C) The full connectivity involving DG Granule and CA3 Basket neuron types consists of 98 connections. The node size is proportional to the census size for each neuron type, and the thicknesses of the connecting arrows are proportional to the synaptic probability. The dashed lines are connections for which the synaptic probability has been approximated based on the means of known values. D) The electrophysiological connection between a DG Granule cell and a CA3 Basket cell. The in vivo firing rate is shown for the presynaptic neuron. The transfer function between the two neuron types is proportional to the synaptic conductance times the single-exponential decay time constant (g ⋅ τd; rat, male, P56, 32°C, current clamp). The frequency-current (F-I) curve of the single-compartment Izhikevich model of a CA3 Basket cell was obtained with 10 pA current steps. Inset: Izhikevich model firing pattern of a CA3 Basket cell simulated with 430 pA of current applied for 500 ms (vertical and horizontal scale bars, respectively).
Spiking neural network simulations. A) Full-scale CA3 model. (Aa) Neuron type connectivity schematic. (Ab) Theta (4-12 Hz; top), Gamma (25-100 Hz; middle), and Sharp-Wave Ripple (150-200 Hz; bottom) filtered local field potentials from 175 ms of the simulation. (Ac) Raster plot of 500 Pyramidal cells and 50 interneurons of each type (top), and representative voltage traces for each neuron type (bottom) during the same 175 ms of the simulation in (Ab). B) A mock up of a spatial representation through grid cell firing. (Ba) Neuron type connectivity schematic. Bb) Simulated animal trajectory (black) with red dots indicating the firing of a neuron in those locations. Bc) Raster plot of 3000 neurons from each type (top), and representative voltage traces for each neuron type. Abbreviations by panel: A) PC: Pyramidal cell; BiC: Bistratified cell; QuadD: QuadD-LM cell; AAC: Axo-axonic cell; MFA ORDEN: Mossy Fiber-Associated ORDEN cell; BC CCK+: cholecystokinin-positive Basket cell. B) SC: Medial Entorhinal Cortex Layer II Stellate cell; PC: Entorhinal Cortex Layer III Pyramidal cell; MP PC: Entorhinal Cortex Layer I-II Multipolar Pyramidal cell; AA: Entorhinal Cortex Layer II Axo-axonic; BC: Medial Entorhinal Cortex Layer II Basket; BC MP: Entorhinal Cortex Layer II Basket-Multipolar Interneuron.