Defining neuron types in A) Properties of a v1.0 neuron type. A1) Morphology of a Dentate Gyrus (i)2232 Basket cell (NeuroMorpho.Org cell NMO_34300: Hosp et al., 2014) with axons (red) in stratum granulosum (SG) and dendrites (blue) in all four layers. A2) Schematic interpretation of the morphological tracing, where the circle represents the location of the soma in SG, the red triangle the location of the axons in SG, and the blue rectangles the locations of the dendrites in all four layers. A3) representation of the morphology, where a blue square with a vertical line (|) indicates dendritic presence in the outer two-thirds of the stratum moleculare (SMo) and the inner one-third of the stratum moleculare (SMi) and the hilus (H), a purple square with a cross (+) indicates both axonal and dendritic presence in SG, and a black dot (•) indicates the soma location in SG. A4) numerical coding of the reconstructed neuron, where 2 indicates the presence of dendrites (in SMo, SMi, and H); and 3 indicates the presence of both axons and dendrites (in SG). A5) Biomarker expressions, where a green triangle indicates positive expression for parvalbumin (PV), and blue triangles indicate negative expression for cholecystokinin (CCK) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP). A6) Firing pattern phenotype (non-adapting spiking (NASP); adapted from Figure 1B1 in Savanthrapadian et al., 2014). A7) Membrane biophysics values (from Figure 3C and Table 1 in Lübke et al., 1998) recorded at 35-37 °C. B) Properties for a v2.0 neuron type. B1) Morphology of a DG (i)2210 Basket GRALDEN (NeuroMorpho.Org cell NMO_146159: Vaden et al., 2020) with red axons in SG and blue dendrites in SMo and Smi. B2) Schematic interpretation of the reconstruction (same symbols as in A2). B3-4) representation and numerical coding of the morphology (same symbols as in A3-4). B5) Biomarker expression. B6) Firing pattern phenotype (silence preceded by transient stuttering (TSTUT.SLN); adapted from Figure S4 in Markwardt et al., 2011). B7) Membrane biophysics values recorded at room temperature (from Figure 4D in Vaden et al., 2020), and at 22 °C (from Figure S4 in Markwardt et al., 2011); emboldened values were extracted from the firing pattern trace in B6. Membrane biophysics abbreviations: Vrest: resting membrane potential; Vthresh: firing threshold potential; APampl: action potential amplitude; APwidth: action potential width; Rin: input resistance; τm: membrane time constant; Max FR: maximum firing rate; fAHP: fast after-hyperpolarizing potential; sAHP: slow after-hyperpolarizing potential; Sag ratio: ratio of the steady-state membrane potential to the minimum membrane potential.