Reuniens activity and hippocampal SWRs precede the onset of mPFC spindles
A. Schematic of experimental setup illustrating LFP recordings of the hippocampus and mPFC and targeted spike/LFP recordings of the reuniens during natural sleep.
B. A segment of LFP recordings of the mPFC, reuniens and hippocampus during wake, NREM and REM states. For simplicity, we have chosen a segment with wake followed by unusually short NREM, followed by REM. Sleep/wake states were detected according to mPFC delta (1-4 Hz) power, mPFC signal amplitude and nuchal muscle activity (EMG).
C. The average power spectrum of LFP recordings in detected states, showing high gamma power in the mPFC during wake, high delta, and spindle power in the mPFC during NREM and high theta power in the hippocampus during REM (n=52 recording sessions from 4 animals).
D. Muscle activity in detected wake, NREM and REM states. The red line in boxplot indicates the median, box limits represent the first and third quartile and whiskers indicate data range. ***p<0.001; post-hoc Tukey test after one-way ANOVA, n=52 recording sessions.
E. Representative segment of LFP recordings during NREM with corresponding wavelet transforms of the signal, showing the correlated activity of mPFC slow waves, spindles, hippocampal SWRs (top and bottom) and reuniens multi-unit activity (middle). The frequency axes for wavelet transforms are plotted in logarithmic scale.
F. Representative example of overlapping reuniens and mPFC spindles. Blue lines indicate automatically detected spindles in reuniens and mPFC LFPs.
G. The relative onset of reuniens spindles with respect to the onset of mPFC spindles in 100 ms bins (top). The black arrow indicates the median delay time (median ± MAD = - 0.147±0.556s, Wilcoxon signed rank test, p = 6.13 x 10-15, n=346). The distribution of median delay times between each reuniens-mPFC spindle pair for each recording (n=49) in 20 ms bins (bottom, median = -0.083 s, n=49 sessions).
H. Reuniens single-unit activity relative to the phase of mPFC spindle cycles, aligned to mPFC spindle peaks. The average prefrontal LFP during spindles, filtered in the spindle frequency range (top left). Spike raster and the associated peri-event histogram of a reuniens single-unit during the above mPFC spindle (bottom left, 10 ms bins). Phase-locking of the same reuniens single-unit to mPFC spindle cycles (top right, n=351 phases, p = 9.120 x 10-29, Rayleigh test) and the mean phase preference of all significantly modulated reuniens single-units (bottom right, n= 24/49 single-units, mean ± SD = - 80.87 ± 41.64°, p = 2.942 x 10-7, Rayleigh test).
I. Reuniens single-unit activity relative to the phase of reuniens spindle cycles. Same analysis as in H but referenced to reuniens spindles in one session (n=451 phases, p = 8.048 x 10-18, Rayleigh test) and population data (n= 29/49 single-units, mean ± SD = - 118.25 ± 47.72°, p = 1.047 x 10-6, Rayleigh test). Polar histograms indicate the normalized count of LFP phases at spike time. The black line indicates the mean phase angle of the associated histogram. Spikes occurred at earlier phases referenced to reuniens spindles compared to mPFC spindles (p = 0.010, Watson-Williams test).
J. The amplitude of spindles detected in the mPFC versus the amplitude of the nearest reuniens spindle in one recording session (top, n=343 spindles, r=0.54, p = 3.22 x10-27, Pearson correlation) and the value of coefficients (r) in mPFC-reuniens amplitude correlations for all sessions (bottom, n=48 sessions with at least 50 spindles).
K. The amplitude of spindles detected in the reuniens versus the amplitude of the nearest mPFC spindle in one recording session (top, n=428 spindles, r=0.47, p = 8.61 x10-25, Pearson correlation) and the value of coefficients (r) for reuniens-mPFC amplitude correlations for all sessions (n= 48 sessions with at least 50 spindles).
L. The average change in LFP power during mPFC spindles (n=3162) relative to baseline, referenced to spindle onset, showing increased hippocampal ripple power, and increased reuniens spindle power prior to the onset of spindles in the mPFC (top). Histogram of SWR rate in the same time window, referenced to the onset of the same mPFC spindles as above (middle). Compared to shuffled data, SWR rate was significantly higher in the 250 ms window prior to the onset of mPFC spindles (t-test, p<0.05). Raster of reuniens multi-unit activity for a single recording session (n=86 spindles) and the population peri-event histogram (n=3162 spindles), referenced to the onset of mPFC spindles.
See also Figure 2 -figure supplement 1 for unit detection.