Ispilesional photoactivation of the A13 region in a unilateral 6-OHDA mouse model rescues motor deficits.
(A) Schematic of open field experiment design and example traces for open field testing (1 min) with unilateral photoactivation of the A13 region. (B-E) Effects of photoactivation on open field metrics for sham eYFP (n = 5), sham ChR2 (n = 6), 6-OHDA eYFP (n = 5), and 6-OHDA ChR2 (n = 5) groups (three-way MM ANOVAs, post hoc Bonferroni pairwise). Photoactivation increased in the ChR2 groups: (B) distance travelled (ChR2 vs. eYFP: p = 0.005), (C) locomotor bouts (ChR2 vs. eYFP: p = 0.005), (D) duration of locomotion in the open field (ChR2 vs. eYFP: p = 0.005), and (E) animal movement speed (ChR2 vs. eYFP: p < 0.001). (F-I) Group averaged instantaneous velocity graphs showing no increase in a sham eYFP (F) or 6-OHDA eYFP mouse (H), with increases in velocity during stimulation in a sham ChR2 (G) and 6-OHDA ChR2 (I) mouse. (J) The graph presents animal rotational bias using the turn angle sum. There was a significant increase in 6-OHDA ChR2 rotational bias during A13 region photoactivation (6-OHDA ChR2 vs. 6-OHDA eYFP: p < 0.001). (K) Diagram depicting the pole test. A mouse is placed on a vertical pole facing upwards. The time for release is taken as the experimenter removes their hand from the animal’s tail. (L, M) Graphs showing the response of animals to photoactivation of the A13 region while performing the pole test. (L) A13 region photoactivation also led to shorter total descent time in ChR2 compared to eYFP mice (ChR2 vs. eYFP: p = 0.004), and (M) 6-OHDA ChR2 mice showed a greater reduction in descent time compared to sham ChR2 (6-OHDA ChR2 vs. sham ChR2: p = 0.012; 6-OHDA ChR2: n = 5; sham ChR2: n = 7). ***p < .001, **p < .01, *p < .05. Bonferroni’s post hoc comparisons between 6-OHDA ChR2 and sham eYFP, sham ChR2, and 6-OHDA eYFP at stim time point as a, b, and c respectively. Error bars indicate SEMs.