Directional gaze biases by past and future locations during mnemonic selection overlap in time.
a) Task schematic. Participants memorised two oriented gratings with different colours presented either vertically or horizontally. Following a delay, a colour change of the central fixation dot prompted participants to select the colour-matching item from working memory to report its orientation later. After another delay, two test gratings appeared transiently and participants compared the cued memory grating to the relevant test grating (clockwise/counter-clockwise judgment) that was determined by the ‘future rule’ that was stable within each block. After a response, feedback (0: wrong, 1: correct) was presented at the side of the relevant test grating. Dash lines serve to explain the association between the encoding and test locations and were never presented in the actual experiment. b-c) Time courses of gaze shift rates (number of saccades per second) for shifts toward and away from the encoded (panel b) and to-be-tested (panel c) locations. d) Overlays and comparisons of the difference in gaze-shift rates (toward minus away) for the past (encoded) location and the future (to-be-tested) location. Horizontal lines indicate significant temporal clusters (cluster-based permutation test, P < 0.001). Data are presented as mean values with shading reflecting 95% confidence intervals, calculated across participants (n = 25).