Morphology of the narial region and mandible of three gomphothere families compared with an extant elephant, and the elephantiformes phylogeny. A, Phylogenetic reconstruction of major longirostrine elephantiforms at the species level based on the Bayesian tip-dating method. The node support (the number at each node) is the posterior probability, and the bars represent chronologic ranges of each taxon. B–D, Representative cranium and mandible specimens of the three gomphothere families, including IVPP V22780, cranium, and IVPP V22781, mandible, of Gomphotherium tassyi (B), “Gomphotheriidae”, from Heijiagou Fauna, Tongxin region; HMV 0930, cranium and associated mandible of Platybelodon grangeri (C), from Zengjia Fauna, Linxia Basin; and IVPP V23457, cranium and associated mandible of Choerolophodon chioticus (D), from Middle Miaoerling Fauna, Linxia Basin. E–H, Narial morphology of gomphotheres and elephantids in dorsal view, including IVPP OV733, Elephas maximus (E), a living elephantid; HMV 0930, Platybelodon grangeri (F); IVPP V22780, Gomphotherium tassyi (G); and IVPP V23457, Choerolophodon chioticus (H). I–M, Mandibular morphology of gomphotheres. I and J, Mandibular symphysis and tusks of HMV 0930, Platybelodon grangeri, in dorsal (I) and distal (J) views. K, Mandibular symphysis and tusks of IVPP V22781, Gomphotherium tassyi (K), in dorsal view. L, Mandibular symphysis of IVPP V25397, Choerolophodon chioticus (L), showing the deep slits at both sides of the distal alveolar crests in dorsal view. M, Reconstruction of keratinous cutting plates in the slits, in dorsolateral view. Anatomic abbreviations: ce, cutting edge of the distal mandibular tusk in Platybelodon; kcp, reconstructed keratinous cutting plates in Choerolophodon; nb, nasal process of nasal bone; mc, slit or groove for mesethmoid cartilage insertion (white in color); pf, perinasal fossa; ps, prenasal slope in Platybelodon; s, slit for holding kcp in Choerolophodon.