Neurofeedback preserves replay content.
(A) The 2D maze is linearized to 1D for decoding efficiency; movement trajectory for an example neurofeedback (NF) trial is shown in green. Times of SWR events are highlighted in yellow, and the small letters indicate the SWRs that are shown in (C).
(B) Decoding during movement times shows a close correspondence between decoded position and the subject’s real position.
(C) Several examples of decoding during SWRs, drawn from the example trial above. These include local events (two left), remote events (four middle), and one uninterpretable event (right).
(D) The fraction of all SWRs per behavioral epoch that contain interpretable spatial content during pre-reward period at center ports. Manipulation cohort n = 37, 14, 18, and 26 behavioral epochs per subject for each trial type and control cohort n = 24, 32, 23, and 33 behavioral epochs. Manipulation cohort ranksum comparisons between NF and delay trials: p = 0.1813, 0.5978, 0.0273, and 0.6738. Inset: Groupwise comparisons. Manipulation cohort NF trials vs control cohort trials: p = 0.5523; manipulation cohort delay trials vs control cohort trials: p = 0.2098.
(E) Rate of remote replay events during pre-reward period. Manipulation cohort n = 1843, 558, 1011, and 1513 NF trials and 1982, 535, 1038, and 1447 delay trials; control cohort n = 2058, 2509, 1879, and 2795 trials per subject, respectively. Manipulation cohort ranksum comparisons between NF and delay trials: p = 6.507x10−126, 9.703x10−30, 2.991x10−79, and 6.293x10−55, respectively. Inset: Groupwise comparisons. Manipulation cohort NF trials vs control cohort trials: p = 9.073x10−4; manipulation cohort delay trials vs control cohort trials: p = 0.4304.
(F) Rate of remote replay events during the pre- and post-reward periods combined. Trial n are the same as in (E). Manipulation cohort ranksum comparisons between NF and delay trials: p = 7.666x10−47, 1.573x10−6, 1.044x10−16, and 5.768x10−6. Inset: Groupwise comparisons. Manipulation cohort NF trials vs control cohort trials: p = 0.6644; manipulation cohort delay trials vs control cohort trials: p = 0.1477.
(G) Generalized linear model coefficients quantify the extent to while replay of an arm is modulated by its behavioral relevance. Manipulation cohort n = 1661, 392, 866, and 1281 NF trials and 1705, 367, 894, and 1213 delay trials per subject; control cohort n = 1458, 1636, 1464, and 2181 trials, respectively.
For panels D-F, all ranksum p-values are corrected using the Benjamini-Hochberg method and all groupwise comparisons are performed using linear mixed effects models (see Methods).