SuMVGLUT2+::POA arborize widely in the brain.
(A) Schematic of injections of Retro-AAV-DIO-eYFP into the POA and AAV-fDIO-Cre into the SuM of VGLUT2-Flp mice to label only VGLUT+ SuM neurons that project to the POA. (B) Projections of VGLUT2+ SuM neurons labeled with eYFP seen in the POA. (C) Cell bodies labeled with eYFP in the SuM. D (D-L) Arborizing processes from the SuMVGLUT2+::POA neurons are seen in multiple brain regions including the (D) AcbSh and AcbC; (E) lateral septum; (F) multiple hypothalamic areas; (G) lHb and PVT; (H) the PAG and the DRD; (I) VLPAG and LPB; (J) DRI and LDTg; (K) and DRI, and MVePC. (M) Light sheet microscopy image of a cleared mouse brain hemisphere, viewed from medial to lateral, showing eYFP labeled neurons in SuMVGLUT2+::POA with cell bodies in SuM and processes in areas corresponding to septum, hippocampus, Acb, and POA. (500 μm scale bars).
Abbreviations-MPA-medial preotic, VLPO-ventral lateral preoptic, LPO-lateral preotic, HDB-nucleus of the horizontal limb of the diagonal band AcbSh-Accumbens shell, AcbC- Accumbens core, Shi-septohippocampal nucleus, LSI-lateral septal nucleus, intermediate part, LSV- lateral septal nucleus, ventral part, LV-lateral ventricle, MS- medial septal nucleus, lHb-lateral habenula, mHb-medial habenula, PVT-paraventricular thalamus, DM-dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus, LH-lateral hypothalamic area, VMH-