Basic demographic information for the participants in each analysis. For age and age at menopause, the mean and standard deviation, in parentheses, are shown. The number of participants who used HT as well as the proportion of the total sample that they represent is also reported. For SES, the values represent the number of participants in each of the following income categories, in pounds sterling: less than 18,000/18,000-30,999/31,000-51,999/52,000-100,000/greater than 100,000. Over 90% of the sample identifies as ethnically white.

A) Results from multiple regressions - Each row within each panel represents a linear model with three predictors {bottom) and a response var able (left). The number w thin each cell s the uncorrected p-value for the predictor, rounded to 3 decimal places, and cells are colored in grey when the corrected p value is larger than 0 05 Colors represent the standardized beta coeff cients of the significant predictors. SES was corrected for in every model. B) Standardized beta coeff cients of age at non surgical menopause in a vertex-w se linear model w th cortical thickness as a response variable. Colored vert ces are significant at 1% FOR. C) Relat ve prevalence of A zheimer s disease in women who underwent surgical and non-surgical menopause. D) Results of the logistic regressions with AD diagnosis as a response var able and of the multip e regress ons with age at AD diagnosis as a response variable. The plot can be interpreted in the same way as figure A and SES was also ncluded in all models.