Trajectories of long-range neural synchrony in delta-theta, alpha, and beta-bands from SAC-EBMs.
(A,E,I) The ratio of subjects classified to each stage. The ratio was evaluated on the basis of the probabilities that each subject is assigned to each of the ten stages. (B,F,J) Trajectories of long-range synchrony, PHG volume loss, and MMSE score as a function of the ten stages, showing probability-based weighted means (± SE). The asterisks (*q < 0.05 and ***q < 0.001, FDR corrected) denote statistical significance in comparisons between stages 5 vs. 1. All pairs of stages with significant weighted-mean differences are listed in Appendix 1—table 9. Initial and final z-scores of long-range synchrony used in the SAC-EBMs were: (zinitial, zfinal) = (−1.083, 2.811), (−1.542, 1.605), and (−1.624, 1.641) in the delta-theta, alpha, and beta bands, respectively. (C,G,K) Regional AEC along the stages. The deviations from the regional patterns of the control group are displayed. The regional patterns at the onset of the MCI stage were circled with dotted lines. (D,H,L) Changes in regional patterns during the preclinical stages. Regional comparisons between two stages based on nonparametric tests of weighted mean differences δz are shown. Differences exceeding threshold (q < 0.05, FDR corrected) are displayed. The top 10 regions with significant differences are listed in Appendix 1—table 10.