Crystal structures of CsAlaDC and AtSerDC.
(A) Dimer structure of CsAlaDC. The color display of the N-terminal domain, large domain, and C-terminal domains of chain A is shown in light pink, khaki and sky blue, respectively. Chain B is shown in spring green. The PLP molecule is shown as a sphere model. The zinc finger structure at the C-terminus of CsAlaDC is indicated by the red box. The gray spheres represent zinc ions, while the red dotted line depicts the coordination bonds formed by zinc ions with cysteine and histidine. (B) The 2Fo-Fc electron density maps of K309-PLP-EA (contoured at 1σ level). The PLP is shown in violet, the K309 is shown in spring green, and the EA is shown in lightblue. (C) Active center of the CsAlaDC-EA complex, with hydrogen bonds denoted by black dotted lines. “*” denotes the amino acids on adjacent subunits. (D) Dimer structure of AtSerDC. The color display of the N-terminal domain, large domain, and C-terminal domains of chain A is shown in light pink, khaki and sky blue, respectively. Chain B is shown in cyan. The PLP molecule is shown as a sphere model. The zinc finger structure at the C-terminus of AtSerDC is indicated by the red box. The gray spheres represent zinc ions, while the red dotted line depicts the coordination bonds formed by zinc ions with cysteine and histidine. (E) Active center of the AtSerDC, with hydrogen bonds denoted by black dotted lines. “*” denotes the amino acids on adjacent subunits. (F) The monomers of CsAlaDC and AtSerDC are superimposed. CsAlaDC is depicted in spring green, while AtSerDC is shown in plum. The conserved amino acid catalytic loop is indicated by the red box. (G) Amino acid residues of the active center in CsAlaDC apo and CsAlaDC-EA complex are superimposed. CsAlaDC apo is shown in floral white, while CsAlaDC-EA complex is shown in spring green. (H) The relative activity of wild-type CsAlaDC and its Y336F mutant (left), as well as wild-type AtSerDC and its Y341F mutant (right) is shown.