The effect of the cue on motor preparation before evidence onset, as indexed by mu-beta oscillatory activity (MB), and the representation of the sensory evidence (SSVEP) after evidence onset over the course of testing. MB lateralisation (left) and the target marginal SSVEP (right) are shown for each of the five task exposure bins separated by rows. In the MB plots, cue-lateralised activity (contralateral minus ipsilateral) is shown during the 800 ms baseline phase of the trial after presentation of the cue and immediately prior to evidence onset (0 ms), where each grating was held at 50% contrast. Greater lateralisation of MB activity provides a neural signature of the extent of motor preparation for the contralateral response. In the neutral cue condition, the signals are defined as contralateral and ipsilateral to the correct response on that trial, which could not be known before evidence onset. The topography of MB activity in the window - 200:0 ms before evidence onset is plotted on a common scale for neutral and cued conditions separately. There was no change in the degree of pre-evidence MB lateralisation across task exposure. In the SSVEP plots, evidence onset is marked by the dashed vertical line. The coloured vertical lines represent the median reaction times for each cue condition in each plot. The relatively reduced amplitude of the marginal SSVEP in the invalid cue condition emerges over the course of task exposure.