A) There was no significant difference in the amplitude of the SSVEP across cued and neutral cue trials during the baseline phase of the trial, when the cue had been shown, but the gratings were presented at equal contrast. The cue was presented at -1200 ms, the grating stimuli reached 50% contrast at -800ms (marked by the first dashed vertical line), and evidence onset at 0 ms (marked by the second dashed vertical line).The deflection at approximately -1100ms is likely a response to the presentation of the directional cue. The shaded regions represent the standard error of the mean. The difference in amplitude between neutral and cued conditions is shown on the right axis in purple. B) The effect of the cue on the evidence-locked SSVEP shown for the target (thick line) and non-target (thin line) signals separately. C) The target marginal SSVEP in the invalid cue condition has a reduced amplitude compared to the neutral and valid cue conditions. The dashed vertical line represents evidence onset and the coloured vertical lines represent the median reaction times for each cue condition. The difference in amplitude between valid and invalid cue conditions is shown on the right axis in purple. D) The response-locked SSVEP across cue conditions, where the vertical line marks the response. The same trend of a reduced amplitude in the invalid cue condition can be seen at all time points leading to the response. Again, the difference in amplitude between valid and invalid cue conditions is shown on the right axis in purple.