The endosomal markers TbRab5A, TbRab7, and TbRab11 partly colocalize in the posterior region of the cell.
(A) The experimental workflow, from fluorescence images to object generation and quantitative 3D colocalization analysis, is exemplified. EP1::GFP (I) expressing cells were fixed and labelled with anti-TbRab5A (II), anti-TbRab7 (III) and anti-TbRab11 (IV) antibodies and imaged using widefield microscopy. Upper row: maximum intensity projections (MIP) for each individual fluorescence channel (I – IV) as well as a merge of all three anti-TbRab marker channels (V). The outline of the cell is shown by a dashed line (I - V) and the region of interest (endosomal system) is presented by a solid line (I - V). Middle row: Corresponding 3D objects to display the region of interest (VI) and the TbRab marker objects (VII – IX). The merge of all objects confirmed that the TbRab marker objects are located within the region of interest (X). Lower row: Colocalization of the objects representing TbRab5A and TbRab7 (XI), TbRab5A and TbRab11 (XII), TbRab7 and TbRab11 (XIII). The x-, y- and z-axes are indicated to support the three-dimensional view. (B) Object colocalization shown for additional cells. The colocalization of TbRab5A and TbRab7 (I), TbRab5A and TbRab11 (II), and TbRab7 and TbRab11 (III) is shown for different cells. (Cells 1 – 4). (C - D) Quantification of colocalization analysis for TbRab marker combinations. The colocalization function of IMARIS was used for the quantification. The EP1 surfaces defined the ROI (see panel A) and the automatic thresholding function (Costes et al., 2004) ensured minimal user bias. Each data point (n = 38) represents a field of view with 30 – 40 cells, corresponding to a total number of ∼ 1,200 analysed cells. The median is highlighted with a red line and the corresponding number is written on top of the dataset. (C) Scatter plot of the colocalization analysis for the different TbRab marker combinations using the percentage of volume overlap. (D) Scatter plot of the colocalization analysis for the different TbRab marker combinations using the Pearson correlation coefficient.