RT-qPCR shows incompletely efficient nonsense mediated decay of Kcnq2 E254fs/+ mRNA and increased Kcnq3 mRNA in E254fs/+ and G256W/+ mice.
A. Upper, Kcnq2 mRNA levels in P21 hippocampus and neocortex. Levels were analyzed using TaqMan probes binding to both WT and variant Kcnq2 alleles (allele non-selective, NS), or binding only to WT only (WT selective, WS). Total Kcnq2 mRNA in E254fs/+ samples were significantly higher than 50% of WT (hippocampus: P = 1.28x10-5, neocortex: P = 3.5x10-7, one sample t-test). Lower, Kcnq2 mRNA levels in P100 hippocampus and neocortex, using the probes as above. Total Kcnq2 mRNA levels in E254fs/+ samples were significantly higher than the expected 50% of WT in hippocampus (p = 0.0003) and neocortex: (p = 0.0007). B. Total and WT Kcnq2 mRNA, tested in parallel, by individual. Age, sex (male, open symbols), brain region, genotype, and probe are indicated. In all four tissues tested, E254fs/+ mice have greater total Kcnq2 mRNA than WT Kcnq2 mRNA (P21 hippocampus, P = 0.0001; P100 hippocampus, P = 0.005; P21 neocortex, P = 0.0007; P100 neocortex, P = 0.0053; pairwise t-test). C. In P21 G256W/+ mice, Kcnq3 mRNA was significantly increased: 1.15-fold (+/- 0.10, P = 0.0043) in the hippocampus and 1.12-fold (+/- 0.09, P = 0.00213) in the neocortex. In P100 E254fs/+ mice, Kcnq3 mRNA significantly increased (1.11 +/- 0.02-fold, P = 0.0245) in the hippocampus only. One way ANOVA, * = p0.05, ** = p0.005, *** = p0.0005. (See Supplemental Data for statistical test calculations).