PIP binding to Nav1.7 with different VSD states in coarse-grained simulations
(A) Atomistic representation of the three different Nav1.7 structures simulated: (1) the inactivated state (blue, PDB ID: 6j8g) with the VSDs all in the activated, up state (2) the Nav1.7-NavPas chimera (pink, PDB ID: 6nt4) with the Nav1.7 VSD-IV in the deactivated, down state and a bound NavPas CTD (3) a Nav1.7 resting state model (orange, model generation detailed in Table. S2) with all four VSDs in the deactivated, down state. Panel insets show the different conformations of VSD-IV (left) and VSD-II (right) across different structures. The inactivation switch formed by the CTD and VSD-IV S4-S5 linker proposed by Clairfeuille et al. is shown (middle). (B) Combined occupancy of all PIP species (PIP1, PIP2, PIP3) at binding site residues in the three systems (C) Distribution of PIP binding durations at the identified site (D) Intracellular view of CTD covering the resting state VSD-IV. Representative snapshot of PIP binding at DIV S4-S5 linker in the Nav1.7-NavPas system. The CTD (dark pink) prevents PIP access to DIII-IV linker lysines, K1492 and K1495. (E) Combined PIP occupancy at the bottom three gating charges on VSD I-III in the inactivated (blue) and resting state model (orange) simulations. For VSD-IV, PIP occupancy in the Nav1.7-NavPas system (pink) is also shown. (F) Representative simulation snapshot showing PIP (purple) binding at the gating charges (orange) in the resting state model simulations.