(A) Average control IL GFP PV ΔF/F (red) and speed (grey), aligned to chamber crossing in avoidance (N = 2 mice). (B) Average IL PV GCaMP6f ΔF/F before (pre, −2 to 0 seconds) and after (peri, 0 to 2 seconds) avoidance movement initiation. (C) IL PV GCaMP6f ΔF/F during successful avoidance trials, data aligned to tone onset. White ticks: tone onset. Black ticks: chamber crossing. (D) Example average IL PV GCaMP6f ΔF/F (red) and speed (grey), aligned to tone onsets. Same example mouse as C. (E) Example average IL PV GCaMP6f ΔF/F (red) and speed (grey) of long latency trials (avoidance latency longer than 3 seconds), aligned to tone onset. Same example mouse as C. (F) Average IL PV GCaMP6f ΔF/F before (pre, −4 to −2 seconds) and after (peri, 0 to 2 seconds) tone onset of long latency trials (avoidance latency longer than 3 seconds). (G) Correlation between maximum speed and peak IL PV GCaMP6f ΔF/F at avoidance. Each dot represents an avoidance trial, and trials from one animal are marked in the same color. (H) Distribution of slope of linear correlation between maximum speed and peak IL PV GCaMP6f ΔF/F at avoidance. One dot represents one animal. (I) Clustering of distribution of z score of maximum speed and z score of IL PV GCaMP6f ΔF/F at avoidance. (J-L) The same as (G-I), but the correlation was calculated between avoidance latency and peak IL PV GCaMP6f ΔF/F at avoidance. (M) Avoidance success rate over time. Success rate was calculated every 10 trials. (N) Peak IL PV GCaMP6f ΔF/F at avoidance (average ΔF/F −1 to 1 second around avoidance) every 10 trials over 2 days. ns = non-significant, **p < 0.01; for B and F, paired t-test; for H and K, one-sample t-test; for N, one-way ANOVA. Shaded regions and error bars indicate SEM.