The influence of target opacity on saccade metrics. A. Probability density distributions of saccade latencies for different, increasing target opacities (from top to bottom; see Figure 3A). Distributions with thin and thick lines represent individual-observer and mean probability densities, respectively. Vertical lines and shaded regions represent median latencies and standard errors. B. Bivariate Gaussian kernel densities of saccade landing coordinates separately for leftwards and rightwards saccades. The distance between the fixation and target locations was reduced for illustration purposes (see legend). C. Main sequences defined as the relation between saccade amplitudes and peak velocities. Dots symbolize individual trials (n ∼ 29,000). Fitted lines represent the average of logistic function fits to individual-observer data (Conder, 2023). The mean parameters of each fit are provided above the respective panel (‘tHalf’: symmetric inflection point; ‘qInf’: horizontal asymptote; α: decay constant). D. Summary plots for saccade latency, amplitude, landing error and peak velocity. Dots represent median (latency) and mean (amplitude, error, velocity) values across observers, and error bars represent the respective standard errors. Black lines and shaded error bands represent the mean of linear fits to individual-observer data and their standard errors, respectively. Asterisks highlight slopes that are significantly different from zero (determined via bootstrapping, n = 9 observers, p <.05).