The likelihood of refixation and total gaze duration of eye movement data.
(A) The likelihood of refixation into a word was defined as the proportion of trials that have at least one regression from a later part of the sentence back to that word. We found that when the target words were contextually incongruent with the sentence compared with congruent, there was a significantly higher probability of regression into pre-target words (t(33) = 7.83, p = 5.04 ×10-9, d = 1.34, two-sided pairwise t-test) and target words (t(33) = 9.13, p = 1.49 ×10-10, d = 1.57, two-sided pairwise t-test). Each dot indicates one participant. (B) The total gaze duration was defined as the sum of all fixations on a given word, including those fixations during re-reading. Significantly longer total gaze durations were found for pre-target words (t(33) = 5.78, p = 1.86 ×10-6, d = .99, two-sided pairwise t-test) and target words (t(33) = 10.55, p = 4.20 ×10-12, d = 1.81, two-sided pairwise t-test) when the target words were incongruent with the context compared with congruent. ***p < .001; n.s., not statistically significant.