Anatomical single cell analysis of DL1 DAN specific split-GAL4 driver lines.
(A) The larval MB is organized into 11 compartments: CX calyx; IP and LP intermediate and lower peduncle; LA lateral appendix; UVL, IVL, and LVL upper, intermediate, and lower vertical lobe; SHA, UT, IT, LT shaft as well as upper, intermediate, and lower toe of the medial lobe. Single-letter synonyms of compartment names are given as “a–k”. These letters are used to indicate compartment innervation by the MB input and output neurons (Saumweber et al 2018). DL1 cluster DANs are DAN-c1, DAN-d1, DAN-g1, and DAN-f1 that innervate the respective four different compartments of the MB. (B-J) Individual split-Gal4 driver lines were crossed with the reporter strain UAS-mCD8::GFP;mb247-lexA,lexAop-mRFP. Third instar larval brains were dissected, fixed and mounted to visualize the endogenous expression of the MB reporter (mb247-lexA,lexAop-mRFP shown in magenta) and the respective DAN pattern (GFP shown in green). (B-E) SS02160 (DAN-c1), MB328B (DAN-d1), SS02180 (DAN-f1), SS01716 (DAN-g1) each specifically label a single DL1 DAN (cell bodies are highlighted by white arrowheads). (F–K) Two neurons can be seen in MB065B, SS01702, and MB054B split-Gal4 that express in DAN-c1/DAN-f1, DAN-c1/MBIN-e1, and DAN-f1/DAN-g1. Please note that MB065B shows strong expression DAN-f1 but weaker staining in DAN-c1. (H–K) MB054B showed reliable strong expression in DAN-f1 and DAN-g1. In some brains a third weak cell body was visible right next to the other two DANs (I; GFP channel inverted and shown in black; J; cell body highlighted with gray arrowhead). Due to the low expression level we were not able to identify this cell given that only the g and f compartment of the MB were innervated (H). (K) Analysis of the entire brain via native fluorescence expression of GFP (green) and n-Syb (magenta) did not reveal additional cells for MB054B split-Gal4. Scale bars: (B-J) 20 µm, (K) 50µm.