Logos related to the example test sequence YBGC_HELPY__14-90 from the 4HBT family.
(A) 4HBT family hmm from Pfam 32. (B) hmmbuild with default settings on an MSA of the top 100 hits supplied by an online blast search (blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) of YBGC_HELPY__14-90 against the NCBI clustered nr database. (C) hmmbuild with default settings on the MSA sampled from the ESM-2 3B positional probabilities for YBGC_HELPY__14-90. (D) and (E) hmmbuild with Dirichlet priors disabled on the same MSAs as for (B) and (C), respectively. All logos were generated by uploading the corresponding .hmm file to skylign.org (Wheeler et al., 2014).