A single model can reproduce all experimental observations.
A. In response to an I-V-protocol (Fig. 1A), the model displays biphasic activation, more clearly represented in the derived G-V curve (right, compare to Fig. 1B). The filled area indicates the contributions of the two open states. The tail-currents show a complex dependence on test-pulse voltage and time. B. Two traces from A, shown with longer repolarization. The first 100 ms of the tail currents are displayed on an extended timescale. Colored areas indicate the contributions of the two open states. After weak depolarization to -20 mV, the tail-current originates almost entirely from the mutant-specific open state O1 (blue area). After strong depolarization, O2 mediated currents initially dominate (light grey). For details, see Supplement 2 to Figure 9. C. The model predicts the differences in single channel behavior of ΔPASCap upon depolarization to +10 or +40 mV (Compare to Figure 5). D. In response to 10 ms pulses alternating between -20 and +50 mV, the model shows currents that exceed the currents obtained with constant pulses to +50 mV (compare Fig. 4 B). Relating the currents during the positive and negative pulses to the concurrent currents elicited by the two constant pulses (brown and orange), the ratio lies by about 1.6 for the period starting 200 ms after the pulse onset. This excess current depends sensitively on the duration and voltage of the two pulse components. The right series of simulations displays the results for 15 ms pulses to -20 mV, alternating with 15 ms pulses to voltages from 15 mV to 65 mV. The corresponding responses to the constant pulses are displayed with thin dotted lines. To facilitate perception of the excess current, the five groups of traces are scaled individually, so that the peak amplitude of the dotted response elicited by the stronger depolarizations is displayed at equal size throughout. The vertical scalebars correspond to the same absolute current. From top to bottom, the excess current ratios at 200 ms changes are 1.05, 1.38, 1.74, 1.46, and 1.16. E. The binding of Ca2+-CaM is implemented through change in the activation energy, corresponding to a shift in the equilibrium voltage of the gating transitions. The decomposition of the current into the individual open states’ contribution shows that for increasing voltage shifts – representing high [Ca2+]i – the mutant-specific O1 closes later into the ramp, until eventually all current is carried by O1.