Retinogeniculate synapses form multiple active zones during eye-specific competition.
(A) Experimental design: CTB-Alexa 488 was injected into the right eye of wild-type (WT) and β2KO mice. One day after the treatment, tissue was collected from the left dLGN at P2, P4, and P8. The red squares indicate the STORM imaging regions. (B) Representative multi-active zone (mAZ, left panels) and single-active zone (sAZ, right panels) synapses in WT (top panels) and β2KO mice (bottom panels) at each age. Arrowheads point to individual Bassoon clusters (active zones) within each synapse. (C) Representative images of mAZ retinogeniculate synapses in the mouse dLGN at P8. Electron microscopy images show darkly-stained dAPEX2(+) mitochondria within RGC boutons. Arrowheads point to electron-dense material at the postsynaptic density (PSD) apposed to individual active zones with clustered presynaptic synaptic vesicles. Scale bars are 1 µm in all images. (D) Representative CTB(+) dominant-eye (top panels) and CTB(-) non-dominant-eye (bottom panels) mAZ synapses in a WT P8 sample, showing synaptic (left panels), CTB (middle panels), and merged immunolabels (right panels). (E and F) Eye-specific mAZ synapse density (E) and mAZ synapse fraction (F) across development in WT (top panel) and β2KO mice (bottom panel). Black dots represent mean values from separate biological replicates and black lines connect measurements within each replicate (N=3 for each age and genotype). Error bars represent group means ± SEMs. Statistical significance between CTB(+) and CTB(-) synapse measurements was assessed using paired T-tests. *: p<0.05, **: p<0.01, ***: p<0.001.