CIII md neurons are primary cold sensors and share common post-synaptic partners with mechanosensory and nociceptive Ch and CIV md neurons neurons
(A) Sensory neuron second order connectome analyses. Heatmap plot of synaptic connections between sensory neuron subtypes including chordotonal (Ch), class III (CIII) md, class IV (CIV) md neurons and previously published centrally located neurons. Sensory neurons (SN) Ch, CIII md, and CIV md were analyzed. Multisensory integrator (MSI) neurons include Basin-1, -2, -3, and -4. Neurons downstream of MSI (Post-MSI) include A00c, A05q and Goro. Premotor neurons (PMNs) include Chair-1 (A10a), Down and Back (DnB), A02m and A02n. Lastly, sensory neurons are also connected to several projection neurons including A09e, A10j, A09o, TePn04 and TePn05. Synaptic connectivity data was extracted from Neurophyla LMB Cambridge. ( (B-C) Calcium imaging of sensory neurons including chordotonal (IAVGAL4), class III md (19-12GAL4) and class IV md (ppkGAL4) neurons using CaMPARI2. There were three conditions for sensory neurons: No photoconversion (PC) control (no stimulus and no photoconversion), photoconversion control (photoconversion and no stimulus) and stimulus (Stim) condition (photoconversion and 6°C stimulus). CaMPARI2 data are reported area normalized intensity ratios for Fred/Fgreen (mean ± SEM). Average N for each cell type and each condition is n=32. (B) CaMPARI2 response measured at the cell body for each neuron type. (C) Sholl intensity analysis performed using custom FIJI scripts. CaMPARI2 response is measured radially away from the center of the soma. (D-E) Cold-evoked responses of third instar Drosophila larva. Sensory neurons Ch, CIII md or CIV md neurons were silenced by inhibiting neurotransmitter release via cell type specific expression of tetanus toxin (TNT). (D) Instantaneous %CT over time. Heatmap on top represents change in temperature over time. (E) Cumulative %CT response for a duration of 5 seconds. Controls include w1118 and EmptyGAL4>TNT. Significant stars: turquoise stars represent comparison to w1118 and purple stars represent comparison to EmptyGAL4>TNT. Average n=72. (F-G) Neural activation of sensory neurons via cell type specific expression of ChETA relative to EmptyGAL4>ChETA control. EmptyGAL4 n=35. Ch n=20, CIV n=20. & CIII n=143. (F) Instantaneous %CT over time. Blue bar represents optogenetic neural activation. (G) Peak %CT. (H-I) Neural co-activation of sensory neurons and CIII md neurons. Here each condition represents expression of ChETA in CIII md neurons and plus Ch (via IAV-GAL4), CIII (via R83B04GAL4) or CIV md neurons (via ppkGAL4). (H) Instantaneous %CT over time. Blue bar represents optogenetic neural activation. (I) Peak %CT response during optogenetic stimulation. CIII n=143 and average experimental n=50 Significant differences indicated via asterisks, where *p<0.05, ***p<0.001, and ****p<0.0001.