Increasing neural network activity by PTX exposure during development does not alter motoneuron dendritic arbor size or excitatory postsynaptic sites
(A-B) Representative images of aCC motoneurons from larval ventral nerve cords 72 hours after larval hatching (ALH), from control (A) or embryonic exposure to picrotoxin (B). aCC dendritic arbor structure is marked by membrane targeted myr::tdTomato (red), and postsynaptic excitatory sites are marked by a Drep2::YPet fusion protein (cyan). Visualisation of individual aCC motoneurons is achieved by an RN2-enhancer element driving a stochastic FLP-out LexA expression system. (C) tdTomato fluorescence was used for AI-supported 3D reconstruction of the whole aCC dendritic arbor, allowing quantification of total dendrite length (grey segments), branch points (blue spots) and terminals (red spots). (D) Following live imaging, nerve cords were fixed and stained using a fluorophore-tagged nanobody to detect the Drep2::YPet fusion protein (D), enabling high resolution and photostable imaging of Drep2::YPet puncta for quantification of excitatory postsynaptic site number by semi-automated spot detection (D’). (E) The total dendrite length, number of branch points, and number of terminals are shown, for both control and picrotoxin treatments. (F) The number of Drep2::YPet puncta for the larger ipsilateral arbor (‘arbor1’) the smaller contralateral arbor (‘arbor2’) and the combined sum across both arbors (‘aCC’) is shown, for both control and picrotoxin treatments. (G) Synapse density, calculated as the total dendrite length divided by total Drep2::YPet positive postsynaptic sites. In E-G, each point represents a single aCC cell, where the symbol shape denotes the particular cell.