CsLOB1-induced Cs9g12620 promoter activity is suppressed by PthA4. (A) PthA4 induced the activity of CsLOB1 promoter. PthA4 was transiently co-expressed with the CsLOB1 promoter GUS fusion in Nicotiana benthamiana. GUS activity was assayed at 2 days post-agroinfiltration. The upper images show the histochemical staining of CsLOB1 promoter (PCsLOB1)-driven GUS activity. The bar chart below shows the qRT-PCR analysis of the transcript levels of gusA, CsLOB1, and pthA4. The transcript level of each gene in the samples that expressed PCsLOB1-GUS was set as 1, and the levels of the other samples were calculated relative to that. Values are the mean results from three biological replicates and are the means ± SD (ANOVA, P <0.01). (B) PhtA4 suppressed the CsLOB1-induced activity of the Cs9g12620 gene promoter. The suppression was evaluated by the co-expression of PthA4 with CsLOB1 and PCs9g12620-GUS. Histochemical staining and a qRT-PCR analysis were performed as described in A. (C) PthA4 suppressed the CsLOB1-induced PCs9g12620 activity in a dose-dependent manner. CsLOB1 and PCs9g12620-LUC were co-expressed with PthA4-FALG in N. benthamiana. The agrobacteria that expressed PthA4-FLAG were arranged to a cell concentration series of OD600 values of 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6. The luciferase signal was quantified with a microplate luminescence reader. Values are the means ± SD (n=3 biological replicates, ANOVA, P <0.01). The image on the bottom right shows the expression of PthA4-FLAG by immunoblotting with anti-FLAG. (D) A qRT-PCR analysis CFU/mL) was infiltrated into the plant leaves. qRT-PCR was performed at 0, 5, and 10 days post-inoculation (dpi). The level of expression of each gene at 0 dpi was set as 1, and the level in other samples was calculated relative to those baseline values. Values are the mean results from three biological replicates and are the means ± SD. (ANOVA, P <0.01). (E) The level of expression of Cs9g12620 was dynamically related with that of PthA4 during Xcc infection. The disease symptoms caused by WT Xcc 049, TAL-free mutant 049E, and Xcc 049E/pthA4 on C. sinensis leaves. The phenotype was recorded at 10 dpi. A qRT-PCR analysis was conducted to evaluate the levels of expression of pthA4, CsLOB1, and Cs9g12620. The experiment was performed as described in D. (F) Growth of wildtype Xcc 29-1 in C. sinensis plants. The Xcc 29-1 cells of 108 CFU/ml were infiltrated into citrus leaves. At 5 and 10 days post inoculation, bacteria were recovered from leaves and counted on Nutrient rich (NA) plates. Error bars represent the standard deviation from three independent experiments (Student’s t-test, ****p < 0.0001). (G) qRT-PCR analysis of pectin esterase (orange1.1t02719) and expansin (cs9g15150) genes expression levels in C. sinensis leaves inoculated with Xcc 29-1. The experiment was performed as described in D. ANOVA, analysis of variance; GUS, β-glucuronidase; qRT-PCR, real-time quantitative reverse transcription PCR; SD, standard deviation.