Framework for quantifying factorization in neural and model representations
(A) A subspace for encoding object identity in a linearly separable manner can be achieved by becoming invariant to non-class variables (compact spheres, middle column; colored dots represent example images within each class) or by encoding variance induced by non-identity variables in orthogonal neural axes to the identity subspace (extended cylinders, left column), but only the factorization strategy simultaneously represents multiple variables in a disentangled fashion. A code that is sensitive to non-identity parameters within the identity subspace corrupts the ability to decode identity (right column) (identity subspace in orange). (B) Variance across images within a class can be measured in two different linear subspaces: that containing the majority of variance for all other parameters (a, “other_param_subspace”) and that containing the majority of the variance for that parameter (b, “param_subspace”). Factorization is defined as the fraction of parameter-induced variance that avoids the other-parameter subspace (left). By contrast, invariance to the parameter of interest is computed by comparing the overall parameter-induced variance to the variance in response to other parameters (c, “var_other_param”) (right). (C) In a simulation of coding strategies for two binary variables out of 10 total dimensions that are varying (see Methods), a decrease in orthogonality of the relationship between the encoding of the two variables, or a>0 (going from a square to a parallelogram geometry; only 3 of 10 dimensions used in simulation are shown), despite maintaining linear separability of variables, results in poor classifier performance in the few training-samples regime.