Frequency of alt-EJ repair pathways.
A) Schematic representation of MMEJ and the main SD-MMEJ mechanisms (adapted from [16]), indicating the position of repeat motifs and the corresponding primers (P1, P2) and microhomologies (MH1, MH2). For the ‘loop-out’ mechanism, the DNA is unwinded before loop formation. For the ‘snap-back’ mechanism, resection occurs before hairpin formation. In both mechanisms, annealing of the break-proximal primer (P2) to the break-distal primer (P1), initiates DNA synthesis (red arrows) that creates new microhomology sequences (MH1) and that can create insertions. P1 and P2 are direct repeats for loop-out and inverted repeats for snap-back. Repair continues through secondary structure unwinding, annealing of the newly-synthesized microhomologies with MH2 sequences on the opposite side of the break, fill-in DNA synthesis, and ligation. When P2 and MH2 are not adjacent to the break site DNA flaps form and get trimmed, resulting in long deletions. When P1 and MH1 are adjacent to each other, insertions do not occur. B) Frequency of indels, MHJ and ABJ products of mutagenic-EJ repair across the different DR-white insertions. Sequences analyzed: n=86 for Eu; n=280 for Het1; n=74 for Het2; n=104 for Het3; n=14 for Het4. All comparisons are not significant. C) Frequency of SD-MMEJ-consistent, MMEJ-consistent (i.e., SD-MMEJ-inconsistent MHJ), NHEJ (i.e, SD-MMEJ-inconsistent ABJ with less than 4bp-long alterations of the repair junction), or ‘other’ repair outcomes across different DR-white insertions. The ‘other’ category includes point mutations as well as ABJ and SD-MMEJ-inconsistent deletions or indels greater than 4bp. **p<0.005; ****p<0.0005 by two-proportion z-test, n=86 for Eu; n=280 for Het1; n=74 for Het2; n=104 for Het3; n=14 for Het4. D) Frequency of loop-out and snap-back-consistent SD-MMEJ outcomes across different DR-white insertions. n=59 for Eu; n=211 for Het1; n=61 for Het2. n=52 for Het3; n=9 for Het4; *p<0.05 by two-proportion z-test for the comparison between loop-out-consistent events of indicated heterochromatic DR-white insertions relative to the euchromatic one. All other comparisons are not significant.