cCCTomics Mediates Efficient Conditional Disruption of CCT Genes
(A) Schematic of cCCT gene span and principle of cCCTomics. A T2A-EGFP sequence was introduced at the 3’ end of CCT genes and their most or all coding regions (depending on attP-KO lines) were flanked by 34 bp FRT sequence. Both Flp-out (top) and GFP RNAi (down) could mediate CCT gene manipulation. (B-J) Expression of Trh (B-D), CCHa2 (E-G), and Dh31 (H-J) are efficiently disrupted by pan-neuronal expression of GFP-RNAi (B-D), pan-neuronal expression of Flp-out (E-G), and heatshock-Flp (H-J) respectively. Representative fluorescence images of R57C10-Gal4/+;TrhEGFP.FRT/+ (B), UAS-shRNAGFP/TrhEGFP.FRT (C), R57C10-Gal4/+; UAS-shRNAGFP/TrhEGFP.FRT (D), R57C10-Gal4/+;CCHa2EGFP.FRT/+; (E), UAS-Flp/CCHa2EGFP.FRT (F), R57C10-Gal4/+; UAS-Flp/CCHa2EGFP.FRT (G), Dh31EGFP.FRT with heatshock (H), hs-Flp/Dh31EGFP.FRT without heatshock (I), and hs-Flp/Dh31EGFP.FRT with heatshock are shown. Manipulation efficiency and experiment group fly number is noted on the right. Scale bar, 50um. (K-L) sleep profiles (K) and statistical analysis (L) of Flp-out induced nAChRβ2 neuronal knockout flies (dark red), nAChRβ2 knockout flies, and genotype controls (dark and blue). Sleep profiles are plotted in 30 min bins. In this and other figures, blank background indicates the light phase (ZT 0-12); shaded background indicates the dark phase (ZT 12-24). Daily sleep duration were significantly reduced in nAChRβ2 neuronal knockout files which is comparable to nAChRβ2 knockout. In all statistical panels, unless otherwise noted, 1) Numbers below each bar represent the number of flies tested. 2) Mean ± SEM is shown. 3) The Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Dunn’s post test was used. ***p<0.001. ** p<0.01. * p<0.05. n.s. p>0.05. Male flies were used unless otherwise noted.