Relationship between learning performance and regional changes in eccentricity.
(A & B) Whole-brain correlation map between subject Learning score and the change in regional eccentricity from Baseline to Early learning (A) and Early to Late learning (B). Black bordering denotes regions that are significant at p<0.05. (C & D) Results of the spin-test permutation procedure, assessing whether the topography of correlations in A and B are specific to individual functional brain networks. Single points indicate the real correlation value for each of the 17 Yeo et al. networks (Yeo et al., 2011), whereas the boxplots represent the parameters of a null distribution of correlations derived from 1000 iterations of a spatial autocorrelation-preserving null model (Markello et al., 2022; Váša et al., 2018). In the boxplots, the ends of the boxes represent the first (25%) and third (75%) quartiles, the center line represents the median, and the whiskers represent the min-max range of the null distribution. All correlations were corrected for multiple comparisons (q<0.05). The dashed horizontal blue line indicates a correlation value of zero and the gray shading encompasses correlation values that do not significantly differ from zero (p>0.05). [Note that in the spin-test procedure, due to the sign of the correlations, it is possible for some networks to be significantly different from the null distribution, and yet not significantly different from zero. Thus, to be considered significant in our analyses, a brain network must satisfy both constraints; i.e., show a correlation that is significantly different from zero and from the spatial null distribution]. Right, scatterplots show the relationships between subject Learning score and the change in eccentricity from Baseline to Early learning (top) and Early to Late learning (bottom) for the DAN-A network (depicted in yellow on the cortical surface at top), the only brain network to satisfy the two constraints of our statistical testing procedure. Black line denotes the best-fit regression line, with shading indicating +1/- standard error of the mean. Dots indicate single participants. (E) Connectivity changes for the DAN-A network (highlighted in yellow) across epochs. Positive (red) and negative (blue) values show increases and decreases in connectivity, respectively, from Baseline to Early learning (left panel) and Early to Late learning (right panel). Spider plot, at right, summarizes the patterns of changes in connectivity at the network-level. Note that the black circle in the spider plot denotes t=0 (i.e., no change in eccentricity between the epochs being compared). Radial axis values indicate t-values for associated contrast (see color legend). VisCent: Visual Central. VisPer: Visual Peripheral. SomMotA: Somatomotor A. SomMotB: Somatomotor B. TempPar: Temporal Parietal. DorsAttnA: Dorsal Attention A. DorsAttnB: Dorsal Attention B. SalVentAttnA: Salience/Ventral Attention A. SalVentAttnB: Salience/Ventral Attention B. ContA: Control A. ContB: Control B. ContC: Control C.