Nanoscale imaging of entire intact mouse brains.
(a-b) PHP.eB_pseudotyped pAAV-AiE2255m-minBG-iCre(R297T)-BGHpA, - an enhancer AAV that targets the 149 PVT-PT Ntrk1Glut subclass in the whole mouse brain taxonomy (Zizhen Yao et al. 2023) driving the mutated iCre(R297T) recombinase, delivered retro-orbitally with a GFP reporter virus, sparsely labels cells brain wide, including neurons in the olfactory bulb, striatum, thalamus, midbrain pons and medulla. Intact mouse brains were expanded (3×) and imaged using the ExA-SPIM microscope ((Ouellette et al. 2023), Due to a lack of sectioning, stable specimen mounting, fast imaging times, and minimal imaging distortions, adjacent imaging tiles are easily aligned in overlapping regions (Supplementary Videos 1-2). (c-h) ExA-SPIM imaging resolves dense axonal arbors and varicosities across various brain regions with high resolution and isotropy (Supplementary Videos 3-6). xy and xz views of a dense arbor in the striatum (c-d); mossy fiber axon terminals and boutons (e); an individual hippocampal CA3 neuron and its extensive local axons (f); long-range axonal projections of a medial septal neuron in the hippocampal formation (g); an individual basket cell in the cerebellum. Images are displayed as maximum intensity projections and inset scale bars correspond to 10 um unless otherwise specified.