Df(3L)H99 recues growth defect of emc mutant clones (A-L) Control and mutant clones in eye and wing imaginal disc were induced at the end of first instar and are associated with sibling twin-spot clones marked by two copies of the GFP marker (brighter grey) that serves as internal control for growth. Clones are labeled by the absence of GFP. (M) emc H99 clones induced in the minute background (N) Quantification of the ratio of clone size to twin-spot measured in wing imaginal discs. After log-transformation of clone/twin- spot ratios to ensure normality, one way ANOVA rejected the null hypothesis that these results are the same (p=5.72 x 10-8). The Holm correction for multiple comparison was used to identify significant differences between all pairs of samples. *** denotes highly significant difference from the FRT80 control (p<0.001), NS denotes no significant difference (p>0.05). Whereas the clone/twin-spot ratio for emc homozygous clones was significantly different from the FRT80 control (p=5.72 x 10-6), this was not true for any of the other genotypes (H99, p=0.79; dronc, p=0.906; emc H99, p=0.92; emc dronc, p=0.345). The clone/twin-spot ratio for emc homozygous clones was also significantly different from that for emc H99 or emc dronc (p=4.12 x 10-6 and p=0.0177, respectively), whereas emc H99 and emc dronc did not differ significantly from H99 or dronc clones (p=1, p=0.136, respectively). Source data for Figure 1N are provided. Genotypes: (A and C) ywhsF;;FRT80/[UbiGFP]FRT80 (B and D) ywhsF;;emcAP6FRT80/[Ubi- GFP]FRT80 (E and G) ywhsF;;dronci29emcAP6 FRT80/[UbiGFP]FRT80 (F and H) ywhsF;;emcAP6 Df(3L)H99 FRT80/[UbiGFP]FRT80 (I and K) ywhsF;;dronci29 FRT80/[UbiGFP]FRT80 (J and L) ywhsF;;Df(3L)H99FRT80/[UbiGFP]FRT80 (M) ywhsF; emcAP6 Df(3L)H99 FRT80/[UbiGFP] M(3)67C FRT80. N=10 for each genotype.