(A) The evolutionary probabilities (EP) of each amino acid in the S protein sequence are calculated by taking the multiple sequence alignment of the S proteins through their evolutionary tree and using Bayesian inferences to determine the likelihood of finding a particular residue at a particular location within a given sequence. Simply, if the residue is found at a location ‘x’ in closely related sequences, it will have a higher EP at location ‘x’ in the target sequence. Residues with an EP <0.05 in the target sequence are CAPs (Red). CAPs are found at sites 32, 50, 218, 346, 372, 478, 486, 498, 519, 604, 681, 682, 683, 684, and 1125. (B) The distribution of EP scores of the wild-type residues in the S protein. Here, lower EP scores are shown in red, and higher EP scores in blue. While the vast majority of the wild-type (reference) protein consists of high EP residues, a few residues have low EP. (C) The CAPs are also highlighted as red spheres in the open configuration of the S protein, with the open chain in a darker shade. We observe that a majority of the CAP positions reside at the receptor binding domain (RBD) and the Furin cleavage site (676-689; (Wrobel et al. 2020)) shown as transparent light gray spheres.