N-cadherin antagonists block meiotic maturation in mouse COCs.
COCs from eCG primed mice were treated with LCRF-0006 (36-360 uM) or CRS-066 (0,1-1 uM) during in vitro maturation (12 h EGF and FSH stimulated), then oocytes were denuded and meiotic stage was assessed by labelling actin (phalloidin, red), spindles (tubulin IF, green) and DNA (Hoechst, blue). n= >20 COCs per experiment; N=4 independent experiments. (a and d) Representative bright field images of denuded mouse COCs showing oocyte and polar body morphology after vehicle, CRS-066 or LCRF-0006 treatment. Scale bar: 5µM. (b and e) Representative confocal fluorescent images of denuded mouse oocytes after IVM treated with LCRF-0006 or CRS-066 as indicated, showing polar bodies, spindle structure or germinal vesicle morphology typical in each treatment condition. Scale bar: 20µM. Pb indicates polar body formation; Oo indicates Oocyte. (c and f) Percent of oocytes at each stage of meiotic progression from n>20 oocytes per experiment in 4 independent experiments. MI defined by the any evidence of tubulin staining in the first metaphase spindle with no polar body extrusion; MII defined by presence of a polar body and MII metaphase plate. GV defined by oocyte DNA lacking any tubulin staining to indicate MI spindle formation.