Homotopic correlations when controlling for motion. In this analysis, we computed correlations for all pairwise comparisons while partialing out our metric of motion: framewise displacement. In other words, if the functional timecourse in an area was correlated with the motion metric then this would decrease the correlation between that area and others. Subfigures A and B use task-evoked retinotopic definitions of areas (akin to Figure 1), whereas subfigure C uses anatomical definitions of areas (akin to Figure 2). Overall the results are qualitatively similar, suggesting that motion does not explain the effect observed here. A) Correlation of the same area and same stream (e.g., left ventral V1 and right ventral V1) versus the same area and different stream (e.g., left ventral V1 and right dorsal V1). Difference with bootstrap resampling: ΔFisher Z M=0.43, p<0.001. B) Correlation within the same stream between the same areas, adjacent areas (e.g., left ventral V1 and right ventral V2), or distal areas (e.g., left ventral V1 and right ventral hV4). Difference with bootstrap resampling: Same > Adjacent ΔFisher Z M=0.09, p<0.001; Adjacent > Distal ΔFisher Z M=0.20, p<0.001. Grey lines represent individual participants. *** = p<0.001 from bootstrap resampling. C) Multidimensional scaling of the partial correlation between all anatomically defined areas. The timecourse of functional activity for each area was extracted and correlated across hemispheres, while partialing out framewise displacement. This matrix was averaged across participants and used to create a Euclidean dissimilarity matrix. MDS captured the structure of this matrix in two dimensions with suitably low stress (0.089). The plot shows a projection that emphasizes the similarity to the brain’s organization.