Regulation of cAMP level and its effect on mycobacterial stress tolerance and survival in macrophages.
(A) To compare susceptibility to low pH conditions, indicated mycobacterial strains were grown at pH 4.5, and similar to phoPR-KO (grey circles), WT-Rv0805 (red circles) shows a significant growth defect relative to WT (empty circles). However, WT-Rv0805M (green circles) grows comparably well as that of the WT (empty circles). In contrast, at pH 7.0 all four mycobacterial strains (WT, empty triangles; phoPR-KO, grey triangles; WT-Rv0805, red triangles; WT-Rv0805M, green triangles) displayed comparable growth. (B) Microplate-based assay using Alamar Blue was utilized to examine mycobacterial sensitivity to increasing concentrations of diamide. In this assay, reduction of Alamar Blue correlates with the change of a non-fluorescent blue to a fluorescent pink appearance, which is directly proportional to bacterial growth. Survival of indicated mycobacterial strains, under normal conditions and in presence of 5 mM diamide, were determined by plotting fluorescence intensity. The data is normalized relative to WT grown in presence of 5 mM diamide. (C) To compare susceptibility to stress conditions, these mycobacterial strains were next grown in the presence of 50 µM Cumene Hydrogen Peroxide (CHP). In presence of CHP, WT-Rv0805 (red column) but not WT-Rv0805M (green column), shows a significant growth defect [relative to WT (empty column)] in striking similarity to phoPR-KO (grey column). Note that similar to phoPR-KO, WT-Rv0805 shows a comparably higher sensitivity to CHP relative to WT bacilli. However, WT-Rv0805M expressing a mutant Rv0805, shows a significantly lower sensitivity to CHP relative to WT-Rv0805, as measured by the corresponding CFU values. The growth experiments were performed in biological duplicates, each with two technical replicates (**P≤0.01; ***P≤0.001). (D) Murine macrophages were infected with indicated M. tuberculosis H37Rv strains. The cellular organelle was made visible by LysoTracker; mycobacterial strains were stained with phenolic auramine solution, and the confocal images display merge of two fluorescence signals (Lyso Tracker: red; H37Rv: green; scale bar: 10 µm). The insets in the merge panels indicate bacteria which either have inhibited or facilitated trafficking into lysosomes. White arrowheads in the merge panels indicate non-colocalization which remains higher in WT-H37Rv and WT-Rv0805M relative to phoPR-KO or WT-Rv0805. (E) Bacterial co-localization of M. tuberculosis H37Rv strains. The percentage of auramine labelled strains co-localized with Lysotracker was determined by counting at least 100 infected cells in 10 different fields. The results show the average values with standard deviation determined from three independent experiments (***P≤ 0.001). (F) Pearson’s correlation coefficient of images of internalized auramine-labelled mycobacteria and Lysotracker red marker in RAW 264.7 macrophages. Data are representative of mean ± S.D., derived from three independent experiments (*P<0.05; ***P<0.001).