Loss of Trip13 leads to meiotic arrest in males. (A) Image of testes from 2 to 3 month-old mice. (B) Western blot analysis of TRIP13 in P21 testes. SYCP3 serves as a meiosis-specific marker. ACTB serves as a loading control. (C) Testis to body weight ratio of 2 to 3 month-old mice. n = 3 males. Statistics, one-Way ANOVA. (D) Sperm count of 2 to 3 month-old Trip13+/+ and Trip13+/- males. n = 3 males. Statistics, one-Way ANOVA. (E) Histological analysis of 2-month-old testes. Sertoli, Sertoli cell; Zyg, zygotene; Pa-like, pachytene-like; Dip, diplotene; eS, elongating spermatids.