Human disturbance increases spatiotemporal associations among mountain forest terrestrial mammal species

  1. State Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Evolution & Yunnan key laboratory of biodiversity and ecological conservation of Gaoligong Mountain, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  2. China Exploration and Research Society, 2707-08 SouthMark, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong, China
  3. Anhui Provincial Key Laboratory of the Conservation and Exploitation of Biological Resources, College of Life Sciences, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu, China

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, public reviews, and a provisional response from the authors.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Bernhard Schmid
    University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
  • Senior Editor
    Christian Rutz
    University of St Andrews, St Andrews, United Kingdom

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

This study examines the spatial and temporal patterns of occurrence and the interspecific associations within a terrestrial mammalian community along human disturbance gradients. They conclude that human activity leads to a higher incidence of positive associations.

The theoretical framework of the study is brilliantly introduced. Solid data and sound methodology. This study is based on an extensive series of camera trap data. Good review of the literature on this topic.

The authors use the terms associations and interactions interchangeably. It is not clear what the authors mean by "associations". A brief clarification would be helpful. Also, the authors do not delve into the different types of association found in the study. A more ecological perspective explaining why certain species tend to exhibit negative associations and why others show the opposite pattern (and thus, can be used as indicator species) is missing. Also, the authors do not distinguish between significant (true) non-random associations and random associations. In my opinion, associations are those in which two species co-occur more or less than expected by chance. This is not well addressed in the present version of the manuscript.

The obtained results support the conclusions of the study.

Anthropogenic pressures can shape species associations by increasing spatial and temporal co-occurrence, but above a certain threshold, the positive influence of human activity in terms of species associations could be reverted. This study can stimulate further work in this direction.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

This study analyses camera trapping information on the occurrence of forest mammals along a gradient of human modification of the environment. The key hypotheses are that human disturbance squeezes wildlife into a smaller area or their activity into only part of the day, leading to increased co-occurrence under modification. The method used is joint species distribution modelling (JSDM).

The data source seems to be very nice, although since very little information is presented, this is hard to be sure of. Also, the JSDM approach is, in principle, a nice way of simultaneously analysing the data.

The manuscript suffers from a mismatch of hypotheses and methods at two different levels.

  1. At the lower level, we first need to understand what the individual species do and "like" (their environmental niche). That information is not presented, and the methods suggest that the representation of each species in the JSDM is likely to be extremely poor.

  2. The hypothesis clearly asks for an analysis of the statistical interaction between human disturbance and co-occurrence. Yet, the model is not set up this way, and the authors thus do a lot of indirect exploration, rather than direct hypothesis testing.

Even when the focus is not the individual species, but rather their association, we need to formulate what the expectation is. The hypotheses point towards presenting the spatial and the temporal niche, and how it changes, species for species, under human disturbance. To this, one can then add the layer of interspecific associations.

The change in activity and space use can be analysed much simpler, by looking at the activity times and spatial distribution directly. It remains unclear what the contribution of the JSDM is, unless it is able to represent this activity and spatial information, and put it in a testable interaction with human disturbance.

The topic is actually rather complicated. If biotic interactions change along the disturbance gradient, then observed data are already the outcome of such changed interactions. We thus cannot use the data to infer them! But we can show, for each species, that the habitat preferences change along the disturbance gradient - or not, as the case may be.

Then, in the next step, one would have to formulate specific hypotheses about which species are likely to change their associations more, and which less (based e.g. on predator-prey or competitive interactions). The data and analyses presented do not answer any of these issues.

Another more substantial point is that, according to my understanding of the methods, the per-species models are very inappropriate: the predictors are only linear, and there are no statistical interactions (L374). There is no conceivable species in the world whose niche would be described by such an oversimplified model.

We have no idea of even the most basic characteristics of the per-species models: prevalences, coefficient estimates, D2 of the model, and analysis of the temporal and spatial autocorrelation of the residuals, although they form the basis for the association analysis! Why are times of day and day of the year not included as predictors IN INTERACTION with niche predictors and human disturbance, since they represent the temporal dimension on which niches are hypothesised to change?

Also, all correlations among species should be shown for the raw data and for the model residuals: how much does that actually change and can thus be explained by the niche models?

The discussion has little to add to the results. The complexity of the challenge (understanding a community-level response after accounting for species-level responses) is not met, and instead substantial room is given to general statements of how important this line of research is. I failed to see any advance in ecological understanding at the community level.

Author Response

We would like to express our thorough gratitude to the editors and reviewers, for the helpful comments and valuable suggestions, which provided us an opportunity to further address our research. Prior to submitting our final revision, here we provide our preliminary responses for the comments. Please find our detailed responses to the reviewers’ recommendations below.

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


This study examines the spatial and temporal patterns of occurrence and the interspecific associations within a terrestrial mammalian community along human disturbance gradients. They conclude that human activity leads to a higher incidence of positive associations.


The theoretical framework of the study is brilliantly introduced. Solid data and sound methodology. This study is based on an extensive series of camera trap data. Good review of the literature on this topic.


The authors use the terms associations and interactions interchangeably.

Response: This is not the case. In fact, we state specifically that "... interspecific associations should not be directly interpreted as a signal of biotic interactions between pairs of species…" However, co-occurrence can be an important predictor of likely interactions, such as competition and predation. We stand by our original text.

It is not clear what the authors mean by "associations". A brief clarification would be helpful.

Response: Our specific definition of what is meant here by spatial association can be found in the Methods section. To clarify, the calculation of the index of associations is based on the covariance for the two species of the residuals (epsilon) after consideration of all species-specific response to known environmental covariates. These covariances are modelled to allow them to vary with the level of human disturbance, measured as human presence and human modification. After normalization, the final index of association is a correlation value that varies between -1 (complete disassociation) and +1 (complete positive association).

Also, the authors do not delve into the different types of association found in the study. A more ecological perspective explaining why certain species tend to exhibit negative associations and why others show the opposite pattern (and thus, can be used as indicator species) is missing.

Response: Suggesting the ecological underpinnings of the associations observed here would mainly be speculation at this point, but the associations demonstrated in this analysis do suggest promising areas for the more detailed research suggested.

Also, the authors do not distinguish between significant (true) non-random associations and random associations. In my opinion, associations are those in which two species co-occur more or less than expected by chance. This is not well addressed in the present version of the manuscript.

Response: Results were considered to be non-random if correlation coefficients (for spatial association) or overlap (for temporal association) fell outside of 95% Confidence Intervals. This is now stated clearly in the Methods section. In Supplementary Figures S2 and S3, p<0.01 levels are also presented.

The obtained results support the conclusions of the study.

Anthropogenic pressures can shape species associations by increasing spatial and temporal co-occurrence, but above a certain threshold, the positive influence of human activity in terms of species associations could be reverted. This study can stimulate further work in this direction.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


This study analyses camera trapping information on the occurrence of forest mammals along a gradient of human modification of the environment. The key hypotheses are that human disturbance squeezes wildlife into a smaller area or their activity into only part of the day, leading to increased co-occurrence under modification. The method used is joint species distribution modelling (JSDM).


The data source seems to be very nice, although since very little information is presented, this is hard to be sure of. Also, the JSDM approach is, in principle, a nice way of simultaneously analysing the data.


The manuscript suffers from a mismatch of hypotheses and methods at two different levels.

  1. At the lower level, we first need to understand what the individual species do and "like" (their environmental niche). That information is not presented, and the methods suggest that the representation of each species in the JSDM is likely to be extremely poor.

Response: The response of each species to the environmental covariates provides a window into their environmental niche, encapsulated in the beta coefficients for each environmental covariate. This information is presented in Figure 2.

  1. The hypothesis clearly asks for an analysis of the statistical interaction between human disturbance and co-occurrence. Yet, the model is not set up this way, and the authors thus do a lot of indirect exploration, rather than direct hypothesis testing.

Response: Our JSDM model is set up specifically to examine the effect of human disturbance on co-occurrence, after controlling for shared responses to environmental variables. It directly tests the first hypothesis, since, if increase in indices of human disturbance had not tended to increase the measured spatial correlations between species as detected by the model, we would have rejected our stated hypothesis that human modification of habitats results in increased positive spatial associations between species.

Even when the focus is not the individual species, but rather their association, we need to formulate what the expectation is. The hypotheses point towards presenting the spatial and the temporal niche, and how it changes, species for species, under human disturbance. To this, one can then add the layer of interspecific associations.

Response: Examining each species one by one and how each one responds to human disturbance would miss the effects of any meaningful interactions between species. The analysis presented provides a means to highlight associations that would have been overlooked. Future research could go on to analyze the strongest associations in the community and the strongest effects of human disturbance so as to uncover the underlying interactions that give rise to them and the mechanisms of human impact. We believe that this will prove to be a much more productive approach than trying to tackle this problem species by species and pair by pair.

The change in activity and space use can be analysed much simpler, by looking at the activity times and spatial distribution directly. It remains unclear what the contribution of the JSDM is, unless it is able to represent this activity and spatial information, and put it in a testable interaction with human disturbance.

The topic is actually rather complicated. If biotic interactions change along the disturbance gradient, then observed data are already the outcome of such changed interactions. We thus cannot use the data to infer them! But we can show, for each species, that the habitat preferences change along the disturbance gradient - or not, as the case may be.

Then, in the next step, one would have to formulate specific hypotheses about which species are likely to change their associations more, and which less (based e.g. on predator-prey or competitive interactions). The data and analyses presented do not answer any of these issues.

Response: We suggest that the so-called “simpler” approach described above is anything but simple, and this is precisely what the Joint Species Distribution Model improves upon. As pointed out in the Introduction, simply examining spatial overlap is not enough to detect a signal of meaningful biotic interaction, since overlap could be the result of similar responses to environmental variables. With the JSDM approach, this would not be considered a positive association and would then not imply the possible existence of meaningful interaction.

Another more substantial point is that, according to my understanding of the methods, the per-species models are very inappropriate: the predictors are only linear, and there are no statistical interactions (L374). There is no conceivable species in the world whose niche would be described by such an oversimplified model.

Response: While interaction terms can be included in the JSDM, this would considerably increase the complexity of the models. In previous work, we have found no strong evidence for the importance of interaction terms and they do not improve the performance of the models.

We have no idea of even the most basic characteristics of the per-species models: prevalences, coefficient estimates, D2 of the model, and analysis of the temporal and spatial autocorrelation of the residuals, although they form the basis for the association analysis!

Response: The coefficient estimates for response to environmental variables used in the JSDM are provided in Figure 2.

Why are times of day and day of the year not included as predictors IN INTERACTION with niche predictors and human disturbance, since they represent the temporal dimension on which niches are hypothesised to change?

Also, all correlations among species should be shown for the raw data and for the model residuals: how much does that actually change and can thus be explained by the niche models?

The discussion has little to add to the results. The complexity of the challenge (understanding a community-level response after accounting for species-level responses) is not met, and instead substantial room is given to general statements of how important this line of research is. I failed to see any advance in ecological understanding at the community level.

Response: We agree that the community-level response to human disturbance is a complex topic, and we believe it is also a very important one. This research and its support of the spatial compression hypothesis, while not providing definitive answers to detailed mechanisms, opens up new lines of inquiry that makes it an important advance. For example, the strong effects of human disturbance on certain associations that were detected here could now be examined with the kind of detailed species by species and pair by pair analysis that this reviewer appears to demand.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation