Thermal and chemical stresses used in this study elicit distinct proteotoxic responses.
(A) Growth curve of strain W303-1B grown in liquid culture (YPDA). Mid-log phase cultures were diluted to OD600=0.4 and shifted to different conditions: no stress (NS, 25°C), heat shock (HS, 39°C), or ethanol stress (ES, 8.5% v/v, 25°C). OD600 was monitored over time. Means and SD are shown. N=2.
(B) Viability assay of W303-1B cells following exposure to heat shock (25° to 39°C upshift for the indicated time) or ethanol stress (8.5% v/v ethanol for the indicated time at 25°C). An aliquot was taken from each condition at the indicated stress timepoints and diluted in rich media. Cells were spread on YPDA plates and grown at 30°C for 3 days. Colony forming units (CFUs) were determined using ImageJ/FIJI. Plotted are percentages of CFUs of stressed cells normalized to those of the 0 min control. Graphs depict means + SD. N=2.
(C) Experimental strategy for imaging Hsp104 foci. Cells were attached to a concanavalin A (ConA)-coated surface, followed by heat shock or ethanol stress treatment (see Materials and Methods). Synthetic complete media (SDC) was supplemented with ethanol to a final concentration of 8.5% for ES samples. Scale bar: 2 µm.
(D) Both heat shock and ethanol stress induce formation of Hsp104 foci. DPY1561 haploid cells were attached to a VAHEAT substrate using Concanavalin A and subjected to an instantaneous heat shock (25° to 39°C) or to ethanol stress (25°C, 8.5% v/v). The 0 min control was kept at 25°C without stress. Hsp104-mTagBFP2 foci were visualized by confocal microscopy. Shown are maximal projections of 11 z-planes, taken with an interplanar distance of 0.5 µm. Scale bar: 2 µm.
(E) Cells subjected to the above treatments were assayed for Hsp104 puncta number and volume. An average of 200 cells per timepoint per condition was quantified using Imaris image analysis software (v.10.0.1). For this analysis, we made the assumption that the diffuse Hsp104 clusters seen in HS cells are comparable to the compact Hsp104 foci in ES cells. N=2. Significance was determined by Mann Whitney test, stress vs. no stress (0 min). ***, p<0.001; ****, p<0.0001; ns, not significant.