Diverse multidimensional behavioural phenotypes are obtained across the diverse panel of disease model mutants. (A)
Representative field of view for a single camera channel with individual skeletonised worm images of bbs-1(syb1588) (top) and N2 (bottom) imaged on the same plate viewed using Tierpsy Tracker. (B) Representative behavioural phenotypes extracted by Tierpsy, representing changes in morphology, posture and locomotion of different disease mutant strains. P-values are for comparisons to wild-type N2 worms, block permutation t-test, corrected for multiple comparisons. (C) Hierarchical clustering of behavioural fingerprints. Features are Z-normalised. The top barcode shows the period of image acquisition where the behavioural feature was extracted by Tierpsy: pre-stimulation (pink), blue light (blue) and post-stimulation (green). (D) Principal component analysis of the disease model mutants and N2 reference (blue). Strains move in phenospace between pre-stimulus (circular points), blue light (crosses) and post-stimulation (squares) recordings. Strains with an aberrant blue light response are shown in red. Error bars represent standard error of the mean. (E) The total number of statistically significant behavioural features for each strain compared to N2 (from the total set of 8289 features extracted by Tierpsy). P-values for each feature were calculated using block permutation t-tests, using n = 100,000 permutations and P < 0.05 considered statistically significant after correcting for multiple comparisons using the Benjamini-Yekutieli method.