Enantiomeric profiles of D- and L-amino acids in plasma and urine of the IRI model
Plasma and urine were collected from the mice after ischemia operation for 4, 8, 20, and 40 h or sham operation (0 h). The concentrations of twenty amino acids were measured by 2D-HPLC and plotted as mean ± SD. (A) Ratio of D-/L-amino acids from the plasma of the IRI model. The graph of Met is shown separately. n = 3. (B) – (D) Plasma amino acid profiles of serine, alanine, and proline from (A) were normalized with 0 h and plotted as ratios of D-/L-enantiomers (B), relative concentrations of D-isomers (C), and relative concentrations of L-isomers (D). (E) Ratio of D-/L-amino acids from the urine of the IRI model. n = 3 – 7. (F) – (H) Urinary amino acid profiles of serine, alanine, and proline from (E) were normalized with those at 0 h and plotted as ratios of D-/L-enantiomers (F), relative concentrations of D-isomers (G), and relative concentrations of L-isomers (H). C/CC: cysteine or cystine.