Adult body cell types.
a) Major cell types of adult males identified by marker genes. Scale bars represent 100 µm. Inset for gut shows zoom-ins of different regions. Inset for flight muscle, shows the percentage of marker gene molecules detected within the outlined area. b) Gene set scores for different main classes of cell types. Quantified using 5 µm x 5 µm grid. Class assignment shown on the right, based on maximum score. Genes used: Neurons: elav, Syt1, Sh, acj6, ey, VAChT, Gad1, VGlut, nAChRalpha7; male repr.: Awh, eyg, svp; epithelia: grh, alphaTry, betaTry, hth; heart: tin, Hand. c) UMAP showing clustering of 5 µm x 5 µm grid spots. d) Spatial location of grid clusters. e) tSNE from male accessory glands from FCA showing expression of marker genes for main gland cells. f) Spatial FISH of the main gland cells marker genes highlights a defined population. Detailed view shown in f’.