He-TDR1 interacts directly with DNA.
(a) Sequence alignment of the conserved C-terminal domain of TDR1 proteins from H. exemplaris (He), A. antarcticus (Aa), P. fairbanksi (Pf) (identified in this work), and from P. richtersi (Pr) (NCBI transcriptome assembly GFGY00000000.1), P. metropolitanus (Pm), R.coronifer (Rc) (Kamilari et al 2019), M. philippinicus (Mp) (Mapalo et al 2020). He_BV898_10457 corresponds to a paralog of HeTDR1 in H. exemplaris with weaker sequence identity to HeTDR1 than TDR1 homologs from other species.
(b-c) Gel shift assay of recombinant He-TDR1 with circular plasmid (b) or linear plasmid (c). Mixes of plasmid DNA and recombinant He-TDR1 at indicated protein to DNA (bp) ratios were incubated at 25°C for 20 minutes and migrated, either directly or after proteinase K digestion, at room temperature on 0.75% agarose with ethidium bromide. Fluorescence was revealed with a ChemiDoc MP imager. Complexes of plasmid DNA and recombinant He-TDR1 are indicated by a bracket. High-molecular weight complexes that remained in the loading wells and did not migrate into the gel are indicated by an asterisk.
(d) Expression of He-TDR1-mNeonGreen in transient transgenic H. exemplaris tardigrades Expression plasmids of He-TDR1-mNeonGreen (mNG) and mCherry (both under control of the He-Actin promoter) were microinjected into the body fluid of H. exemplaris adults and electroporation was performed to induce delivery into cells following the protocol of Tanaka et al. 2023. Confocal microscopy was carried out on live animals immobilized in carbonated water at day 8 post-microinjection after 2 days of treatment with 20µM Hoechst 33342 to stain nuclei. Maximum projections of confocal Z-stack are shown.
(e) High resolution imaging of nuclei expressing He-TDR1-mNG and Hoechst staining of the nucleus using the Airyscan2 module (one Z-slice is shown). Nuclear He-TDR1-mNG is co-localized with Hoechst staining except for 1 big foci which was observed in some high-resolution images (e-yellow channel), likely corresponding to nucleolar accumulation of overexpressed He-TDR1-mNG.